Department Business Administration Online @ AOM in Seattle

Date 2022-08-25

Wendy Farrell and Yevgen Bogodistov participate in the Academy of Management Conference

This year's Academy of Management (AOM) Conference was held in Seattle from August 5 to August 9, 2022. The MCI Department of Business Administration Online was represented by our two professors, Wendy Farrell and Yevgen Bogodistov. Both professors gave researchers from all over the world exciting insights into their research:

Wendy Farrell

Our lecturer Wendy Farrell presented three scientific articles which she had written together with her global network of researchers:

  • The first article focused on perceptions of leadership in self-organizing global virtual teams. This involved comparing the leaders' self-perceptions with the perceptions of their employees. The researchers found that women demonstrated better leadership skills throughout the project and that the difference between self-perceptions and peer perceptions was smaller for women than for men.

    Farrell, W., Kamous, H. E., Karnadi, L., Farriss, L., Singh, D. P., & Idelson, M. (2022, August 8). Are You as Effective a Leader as You Think? The Impact of Gender and Personality Traits. Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington.

  • The second scientific paper examines the impact on team outcomes when at least one team member has high cultural intelligence. It has been found that even one member with high cultural intelligence is sufficient to reduce conflict and increase satisfaction in teams.

    Balbinot, Z., Farrell, W., Johnson, W. H. A., Pissaris, S., Cohen, E. D., Chun, J., & Taras, V. (2022, August 8). Creating a better workplace for global virtual teams: The influence of the “strongest link.” Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington.

  • The third research project examined the impact of gender on team evaluations. The research group found that women gave lower ratings than their male colleagues in many areas when evaluating the same people.

    Farrell, W., Farriss, L., Singh, D. P., Kamous, H. E., Karnadi, L., & Idelson, M. (2022, August 8). Expectations of Performance in Peer Evaluations: Are females harsher raters? Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington.


Yevgen Bogodistov

Our lecturer Yevgen Bogodistov presented the results of his study on dynamic capabilities in public hospitals. The main idea of this research project is to show that hospitals in the highly regulated field of public health care do not have dynamic capabilities in the usual sense. Identifying new opportunities and deciding which opportunities to exploit are in the hands of the government. However, as competition intensifies, hospitals must adapt to change. Hospitals have to "fly with clipped wings" and still manage to achieve good results thanks to a highly developed reconfiguration capability.

Yevgen Bogodistov and Daniel Beimborn (professor at the University of Bamberg) address reconfiguration-centric dynamic capability in their research. They show that this capability plays the role of a mediator in the relationship between available resources and hospital performance. You can read more about their research findings here.

In addition, Professor Yevgen Bogodistov received the Outstanding Reviewer Award from the AOM's STR- Strategic Management Division. This year, the second largest division had 3,000 reviews from a total of 1,239 reviewers. We are very pleased that our faculty member was among the top reviewers this year.

<p><em>Prof. Wendy Farrell, PhD at the AOM 2022 conference building in Seattle. Photo: MCI/Bogodistov</em></p>

Prof. Wendy Farrell, PhD at the AOM 2022 conference building in Seattle. Photo: MCI/Bogodistov

<p><em>Prof. Dr. Yevgen Bogodistov during his presentation at the AOM 2022 conference in Seattle. <em>Photo: MCI/Bogodistov</em><br /></em></p>

Prof. Dr. Yevgen Bogodistov during his presentation at the AOM 2022 conference in Seattle. Photo: MCI/Bogodistov

<p><em>Prof. Wendy Farrell, PhD at the AOM 2022 conference building in Seattle. Photo: MCI/Bogodistov</em></p>
<p><em>Prof. Dr. Yevgen Bogodistov during his presentation at the AOM 2022 conference in Seattle. <em>Photo: MCI/Bogodistov</em><br /></em></p>
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