Welcome to our online learning community

Date 2022-09-16

The Department of Business Administration Online welcomes 141 new students

<p><em>Impressions of the Welcome Day 2022. ©MCI/Geisler<br /></em></p>

Impressions of the Welcome Day 2022. ©MCI/Geisler

<p><em>Impressions of the Welcome Day 2022. ©MCI/Geisler<br /></em></p>

Impressions of the Welcome Day 2022. ©MCI/Geisler

<p><em>Impressions of the Welcome Day 2022. ©MCI/Geisler<br /></em></p>

Impressions of the Welcome Day 2022. ©MCI/Geisler

<p><em>Impressions of the Welcome Day 2022. ©MCI/Geisler<br /></em></p>

Impressions of the Welcome Day 2022. ©MCI/Geisler

<p><em>Impressions of the Welcome Day 2022. ©MCI/Geisler<br /></em></p>

Impressions of the Welcome Day 2022. ©MCI/Geisler

<p><em>Impressions of the Welcome Day 2022. ©MCI/Geisler<br /></em></p>
<p><em>Impressions of the Welcome Day 2022. ©MCI/Geisler<br /></em></p>
<p><em>Impressions of the Welcome Day 2022. ©MCI/Geisler<br /></em></p>
<p><em>Impressions of the Welcome Day 2022. ©MCI/Geisler<br /></em></p>
<p><em>Impressions of the Welcome Day 2022. ©MCI/Geisler<br /></em></p>


On the first weekend of September, the Department of Business Administration Online started the academic year 2022/23 with 141 new students. The first days of the online degree programs "Betriebswirtschaft Online", "Business Administration Online" and "Corporate Governance & Finance Online" always take place at the MCI in Innsbruck. The on-site gathering is intended to strengthen the sense of community and promote further active exchange among students.

On Thursday, September 1st, the department team welcomed the students as part of the Welcome Day. Our new stuends learned the most important information about their online studies and got to know not only their fellow students but also the department team. This year, the team gave students valuable tips for the next three years. Among them were, for example:

  • "Eat the frog,"
  • "Take advantage of the webinars and be an active participant" and
  • "Focus on the acquired, learned competencies and skills and less on the final course grades."

The heads of studies, Maria Pammer and Christiane Aufschnaiter, also recalled an important statement made by Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, during their welcoming speech: "The learn-it-all does better than the know-it-all".

After the technical setup and inputs about the learning management system, the students got a campus tour before the afternoon ended with a relaxing get-together.
On Friday, the 36 master students had the pleasure of a short hike to the Umbrüggler Alm, where they learned more about "Self-Management & Leadership" . The Bachelor students started, on the other hand, with their courses "Digital Competence & Self-Management" and "Data Management & Statistics".

We are very happy that our community continues to grow with new motivated students.

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