Summer School of the IQS - Barcelona

Date 2023-08-16

The Ramon Llull University in Barcelona offers a perfect mix of culture, study and vacation

Sebastian Schmid, Business Administration Online student, participated in the IQS Summer Program in Barcelona July '23. The IQS Summer School offers a two week Program in total and focusses on learning in an international environment, meeting new worldwide friends and enjoying Barcelona. Sebastian Schmid tells about his experience below. Would you also like to attend this or another summer school? Please contact for more information.


Sebastian Schmid:

"The program started with getting to know the other fellow students. We were eleven young students from different parts of the world and a wide variety of backgrounds and areas of study: China, Mexico, India, Austria, and Switzerland, ranging from business studies to architecture. This allowed me to improve my intercultural skills and make new friends along the way.

In total, there were three different courses: "Entrepreneurship", "Finance and investment in the financial markets", and "Neuro- and digital marketing". The management building and the equipment of the IQS are super modern, the lecturers made a very competent impression, spoke very good English and a lot of exciting content was conveyed in a relaxed way during the two weeks. That way I also got new perspectives and ideas on already known contents.

The performance assessment consisted of small "moodle tests" after the events, as well as a group presentation on the last day - all manageable, so there was still enough time for cultural and social activities. The IQS organized and paid for "Cultural- and Social Acitvities" in addition to the courses. During these activities, we all attended a Spanish cooking class together, went kayaking and stand-up paddling, and got a private city tour of Barcelona's "Gothic quarter."

IQS offers rooms in a dorm near the university, but if you are early enough, I would suggest a less expensive Airbnb or another apartment/room in the city center.

Overall, the IQS offered me a very well-organized program with the perfect mix of teaching and studying, the city of Barcelona, the vacation feeling and cultural education. I can definitely recommend the IQS program, despite the rather high cost associated with the program. It is the perfect end to a demanding semester at MCI and a vacation in Spain is definitely a good option afterwards."

<p style=Sebastian Schmid (background, left) ©MCI / Sebastian Schmid


Sebastian Schmid (background, left) ©MCI / Sebastian Schmid

<p style=Sebastian Schmid (background, left) ©MCI / Sebastian Schmid

Additional Information
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