Research Project SUNrise

Date 2025-01-21

A Project by Dr. Prof. Antje Bierwisch, Interreg, co-founded by the European Union

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the skilled crafts sector are faced with a number of complex challenges: digital transformation, the shortage of skilled labour and, in particular, tackling climate change and the energy crisis require companies to find innovative and sustainable solutions. At the same time, many SMEs in the skilled crafts sector are confronted with the issue of handing over their business.

Studies show that although the following generations have recognised how important sustainability and innovation are for ensuring the future viability and competitiveness of SMEs in the skilled crafts sector, there is still a lack of knowledge and skills on how innovative and sustainable solutions and business models can be successfully developed and implemented.

Project goals:

  • Entrepreneurs: show how they can sustainably transform existing business models in craft SMEs. Tried and tested methods and tools will be presented in a clear process.
  • Develop recommendations for action for intermediary organisations, training courses and politics so that future support services take better account of needs.

At the beginning of the project, existing methods for sustainable business model development will be collected and analysed in order to assess their suitability for SMEs. Many of these methods were originally designed for larger companies, which is why they are being adapted to the special requirements of SMEs in the skilled crafts sector.

On this basis, a toolbox will be created to support young entrepreneurs and promote the development of their expertise. This toolbox will be tested and validated in pilot actions together with the Target Group in the participating regions.

Finally, the needs and requirements for external support services to be offered by intermediaries in the future will be defined (see picture).

Work packages

Different priorities are set in 5 work packages:

Work package 1 - Project management and communication

All information comes together in project management and communication. The exchange between the partners and the target group of the project is organized.

Project management is primarily focused on the coordination and administration of those aspects that are to be implemented within the framework of SUNrise. Coordination ensures effective management.

Work package 2 - Analysis

The aim of this work package 2 is to identify the instruments and services and to carry out extensive research in order to incorporate scientifically sound data and information into the project.

The basis for the next work packages is to be developed. The identification and analysis of the instruments and methods that can be used by entrepreneurs along the “innovation path” is to be carried out. These will be adapted to the needs of (young) entrepreneurs.

The following phases of the innovation path are covered:

- understanding

- observing

- discovering the need for action,

- formulating challenges,

- identifying solutions, and

- implementing them.

This step includes a self-assessment that enables a holistic status check and is used to define the problem. Building on this, a process step is developed to support companies in defining their vision. The aim is to identify challenges so that specific tools from the toolbox can be used. A decision tree links the status and vision of the companies with the appropriate tools and methods required for this. The MCI is in charge here and contributes its expertise.

Work package 3 - Development of sustainable innovation paths

Building on the toolbox developed in work package 2, the instruments are linked to the individual innovation pathway steps depending on their objectives and suitability.

To ensure applicability, a co-design approach is chosen in which the relevant stakeholders are involved in the development at an early stage. The prototypes for the innovation paths are developed in a participatory process. A co-design workshop is organized that integrates entrepreneurs and intermediaries into the development process. The different objectives (business model innovation, new product or service launch) are evaluated and adapted if necessary.

Work package 4 - Testing the sustainable innovation paths

The aim of the fourth work package is to comprehensively test the innovation paths in practice with young entrepreneurs and/or successors in the skilled crafts sector. The real cases will take place in the individual regions in two phases in order to be able to consider the regional characteristics as well as transferability.

This work package is divided into two central activities:

  • Pilot Action
    In each region, two entrepreneurs and their organizations will be selected and the innovation path will be tested. This takes place in two rounds. In the second round, the lessons learned from the first attempt will be incorporated.
  • Accompanying research of the pilot action
    To ensure the success of the testing of the sustainable innovation pathway, comprehensive accompanying research focusing on the “practical orientation” and “lessons learned” of the developed innovation pathway will be carried out. Both the assessments of the direct target group and the supervising project partners in the regions will be considered.

Work package 5 - Use and ecosystem design at the macro level

The aim of the last work package is to be able to use the toolbox and make it available to the public.

The largest possible number of entrepreneurs should have access to it, which is why the results will be presented to important stakeholders such as the NOI Techpark, the country platforms, the Chamber of Commerce, vocational schools and other educational institutions. Targeted formats are organized in order to use the knowledge even after the project.


Project Details

Duration: 29. 11. 2023 – 31. 01. 2026

Funding: Interreg VI-A Italy – Austria 2021-2027– Priority 1 – Innovation and Enterprise

Funding from EU funds: 598.865,92 €

Total costs: 779.556,00 €

Project partner:

  • lvh Education and Service Gen (IT)
  • t2i – Technology Transfer and Innovation, Veneto (IT)
  • Innovation Salzburg (AT)
  • MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®
  • Friuli Innovazione/TEC4I FVG, Friuli-Venezia Guilia (IT)


<p>Partner meeting, v.l.n.r.: Chiara Remundos, Eva Eder, Vanessa Ehsani, Oliver Som, Kathrin Pichler, Antje Bierwisch, Elena Sandri, Luigi Valan, Susanne Schmid, Marco Galanti. ©MCI</p>

Partner meeting, v.l.n.r.: Chiara Remundos, Eva Eder, Vanessa Ehsani, Oliver Som, Kathrin Pichler, Antje Bierwisch, Elena Sandri, Luigi Valan, Susanne Schmid, Marco Galanti. ©MCI

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Interreg Projekt SUNrise

<p>Partner meeting, v.l.n.r.: Chiara Remundos, Eva Eder, Vanessa Ehsani, Oliver Som, Kathrin Pichler, Antje Bierwisch, Elena Sandri, Luigi Valan, Susanne Schmid, Marco Galanti. ©MCI</p>
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Research Project SUNrise
Research Project SUNrise
A Project by Dr. Prof. Antje Bierwisch, Interreg, co-founded by the European Union