Academic Guest Lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer

Date 2022-04-13

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer, former President of Austria, holds academic guest lecture at the Entrepreneurial School®

Impressions of the academic guest lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer ©MCI/Geisler
Impressions of the academic guest lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer ©MCI/Geisler

As part of an academic guest lecture, the Entrepreneurial School® was pleased to welcome former Federal President of the Republic of Austria Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer. 170 students from the study programs Social Work, Social Policy & Management as well as Management, International Business & Law and International Health & Social Management were given the opportunity to participate in the following lectures and discussions:

  • On the Constitutional History of the Republic of Austria
  • The political development of the 2nd Republic
  • On the role of personalities in the history of the 2nd Republic
  • Federal President and Federal Chancellor in the Austrian Federal Constitution

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer has had an extensive career as a senior representative and policy maker of the Republic of Austria. As Federal Minister of Science and Research and speaker of the Austrian National Assembly for more than 12 years, he was involved extensively in supporting and advancing the country´s scientific, social and cultural development.

In 2004 he was elected Federal President of the Republic of Austria. After more than 40 Years in public office and two terms as Federal President, he retired in 2016. He was proclaimed Chairman of the Council for the Commemorative Year 2018 by the Federal Government of Austria as well as Co-Chairman of the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens.

Heinz Fischer is the author of numerous books and publications in the field of law and political science (e.g. "Das politische System Österreich", "Die Kreisky-Jahre", "Überzeugungen - Eine politische Biografie") and is co-editor of the Austrian Journal of Political Science, the quarterly "Journal für Rechtspolitik" and the Europäische Rundschau. He has already been awarded numerous honorary and merit awards in Austria and abroad, and in 2008 a special postage stamp was issued by the Austrian postal service to mark his 70th birthday.

<p>Impressions of the academic guest lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer ©MCI/Geislerr</p>

Impressions of the academic guest lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer ©MCI/Geislerr

<p>Impressions of the academic guest lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer ©MCI/Geisler</p>

Impressions of the academic guest lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer ©MCI/Geisler

<p>Impressions of the academic guest lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer ©MCI/Geisler</p>

Impressions of the academic guest lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer ©MCI/Geisler

<p>Impressions of the academic guest lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer ©MCI/Geisler</p>

Impressions of the academic guest lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer ©MCI/Geisler

<p>Impressions of the academic guest lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer ©MCI/Geislerr</p>
<p>Impressions of the academic guest lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer ©MCI/Geisler</p>
<p>Impressions of the academic guest lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer ©MCI/Geisler</p>
<p>Impressions of the academic guest lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer ©MCI/Geisler</p>
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