MCI Recruiting Forum 2022

Date 2022-11-16



The Recruiting Forum is the ideal platform for MCI students and young professionals to learn about companies and their offers and perfect for introductions, getting to know eachother and networking.

The aim of the event is to enable students and young graduates to get to know the potential employers of tomorrow and to obtain detailed information about (inter)national and regional companies from a wide range of sectors. In addition to company presentations the direct interaction and dialogue with company representatives are therefore the main focus. Which key competences future employees should have will be discussed as well as individual questions of a successful career entry.

Around 900 students and young alumni met more than 250 representatives from 90 companies and organizations from all over the world at the Congress Innsbruck and took advantage of the unique opportunity to introduce themselves, get to know each other and network.

Among them 8 organizations from the Social Sector:

  • Ärzte ohne Grenzen Österreich
  • Caritas Vorarlberg
  • Diakonisches Werk Rosenheim
  • Fonds Soziales Wien
  • innovia gGmbH
  • Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Stadtmagistrat Innsbruck
  • SOS Kinderdorf Österreich
  • ZeSa - Zentrum für Soziale Arbeit
<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>

Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl

<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>

Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl

<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>

Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl

<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>

Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl

<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>

Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl

<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>

Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl

<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>

Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl

<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>

Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl

<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>

Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl

<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>

Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl

<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>
<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>
<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>
<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>
<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>
<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>
<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>
<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>
<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>
<p>Impressions of the MCI Recruiting Forum Photo © MCI/Kiechl</p>


What made this year's Recruiting Forum particularly unique was the combination of a virtual tool with the on-site event: The smart concept "Find & Be Found" offered students and companies the exclusive opportunity to get in touch before the event, arrange appointments and finally get to know each other better in person on the day of the event. The interest and demand for the numerous attractive application services (CV check, rock your LinkedIn profile, mock interviews, etc.) offered at the Recruiting Forum 2022 was also extraordinarily high.

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