Book donation to Abrehot Library in Ethiopia

Date 2023-01-17

MCI Head of Social Work Belachew Gebrewold and Austrian Embassy donate 450 books to Abrehot Library in Addis Ababa

Recently, the Austrian Embassy together with Prof. Dr. Belachew Gebrewold, Director of Studies at the Department of Social Work at MCI, donated 450 books to the Abrehot Library in Addis Ababa. To promote knowledge transfer and strengthen the learning environment, they focuesd on collecting and donating mainly scientific books.

In order to organize this and collect different books, Belachew Gebrewold contacted different university institutes of several Austrian universities. This made it possible to cover a variety of fields such as math, physics, statistics, microbiology, agricultural sciences and water policy, economics, management, English, political sciences and learning support. In addition, the Austrian Embassy contributed reference books, illustrated books, different works of literature and publications concerning Austria and Ethiopia.

Head of the department of Social Work, Belachew Gebrewold:
"As Nelson Mandela said, 'Education is the most powerful tool with which to make positive change in the world'."

<p>Impressions of the book donation to Abrehot Library Photo © Austrian Embassy</p>

Impressions of the book donation to Abrehot Library Photo © Austrian Embassy

<p>Impressions of the book donation to Abrehot Library Photo © Austrian Embassy</p>

Impressions of the book donation to Abrehot Library Photo © Austrian Embassy

<p>Impressions of the book donation to Abrehot Library Photo © Austrian Embassy</p>

Impressions of the book donation to Abrehot Library Photo © Austrian Embassy

<p>Impressions of the book donation to Abrehot Library Photo © Austrian Embassy</p>
<p>Impressions of the book donation to Abrehot Library Photo © Austrian Embassy</p>
<p>Impressions of the book donation to Abrehot Library Photo © Austrian Embassy</p>
Prof. Dr. habil. Belachew Gebrewold | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Social Work
Prof. Dr. habil. Belachew GebrewoldHead of Department & Studies
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