Graduates’ Day Biotechnology & Food Engineering

Date 2019-04-15

Graduates’ Day Biotechnology & Food Engineering

A successful day at the department of Biotechnology & Food Engineering

On March 21st, the annual Graduates’ Day was held at the department of Biotechnology & Food Engineering. Our students had the opportunity to gain valuable insights into their future professional field and to make first contacts with companies. 

The graduates Gabriele Göbl (Chemgineering Austria GmbH), Christian Rinderer (Red Bull Service GmbH), Lena Molitor (Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH) Simone Arlt (TriolPack GmbH) held interesting presentations about their current occupations.

MCI, Red Bull and Therese Mölk provided refreshments and snacks. Thank you very much!

<p>Katrin Bach & Christoph Griesbeck (MCI), Simone Arlt (TirolPack GmbH), Christian Rinderer (Red Bull Service GmbH), Lena Molitor (Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH), Gabriele Göbl (Chemgineering Austria GmbH)</p>

Katrin Bach & Christoph Griesbeck (MCI), Simone Arlt (TirolPack GmbH), Christian Rinderer (Red Bull Service GmbH), Lena Molitor (Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH), Gabriele Göbl (Chemgineering Austria GmbH)

<p>Katrin Bach & Christoph Griesbeck (MCI), Simone Arlt (TirolPack GmbH), Christian Rinderer (Red Bull Service GmbH), Lena Molitor (Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH), Gabriele Göbl (Chemgineering Austria GmbH)</p>
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