Virtual laboratory „Labster“ implemented successfully

Date 2019-04-12

Virtual laboratory „Labster“ implemented successfully

Using 3D simulations, "Labster" prepares Bachelor’s students for laboratory practice

At the Department of Biotechnology and Food engineering, bachelor’s students of the fourth semester simulated experiments in a virtual laboratory before their actual laboratory classes started.

The advantages of "Labster" are manifold: on the one hand, the preparatory “dry practice” allows it to use the available time for real laboratory exercises more efficiently. On the other hand, "Labster" enables the students to simulate experiments that would go beyond the scope of a traditional laboratory class. Furthermore, theoretical knowledge can be deepened through gamification elements.

Scientific studies show that students learn significantly more when traditional lectures are combined with virtual laboratory exercises. The students’ as well as the lecturers’ feedback about the software was consistently positive.

Apart from MCI, many renowned universities such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford and Trinity College are using "Labster" successfully.

<p><em>Copyright © Labster ApS 2019. All Rights Reserved.</em></p>

Copyright © Labster ApS 2019. All Rights Reserved.

<p><em>Copyright © Labster ApS 2019. All Rights Reserved.</em></p>
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