MCI-Network Enables Insights in BAYER Future Visions

Date 2019-07-04

How digital will BAYER be in 2030? MCI students develop ideas for the pharmaceutical industrie as part of the BAYER Digital Campus Challenge.

The big question of the BAYER Digital Campus Challenge is to what extent digitalization can change pharmaceutical and agricultural companies in the future. The MCI network made it possible to bring a workshop of the worldwide Bayer Digital Campus Challenge to the Entrepreneurial School®. As part of their education in innovation management, MCI students are working on their ideas and can submit them for the official challenge.

Instructed by Prof. Dr. Christoph Griesbeck (MCI) and Dr. Florian Becke (UnternehmerTUM), the bachelor's seminar offered our biotechnology and food technology students the opportunity to develop concrete ideas for the challenge. The seminar was also accompanied by Manon van Zuylen (Agorize) and Dr. Heiko Schomberg (BAYER).  8 teams of 4 participants each worked for three days on the digital visions of the future.

The teams can now develop their ideas independently and submit them to the official challenge. The four best teams will be invited to Leverkusen, where they will present their ideas to a BAYER expert jury using an elevator pitch. The best team will win a trip to Berlin.  

Students from all universities worldwide have the opportunity to submit their promising ideas in the areas of machine learning, IT security, data science and cloud & integration computing to BAYER.

<p>Prof. Dr. Christoph Griesbeck and Dr. Florian Becke (left) prepared our motivated students for the BAYER digital campus challenge.</p>

Prof. Dr. Christoph Griesbeck and Dr. Florian Becke (left) prepared our motivated students for the BAYER digital campus challenge.

<p>Prof. Dr. Christoph Griesbeck and Dr. Florian Becke (left) prepared our motivated students for the BAYER digital campus challenge.</p>
Further Information
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