"QualiCheese" - the Austrian-Bavariann Inter-Regional Research Project

Date 2023-10-10

Kicking off the Austria-Bavarian InterReg-project: Optimizing shelf life of sliced cheese with ecologically sustainable packaging

On September 27, we celebrated the kickoff of the Inter-regional project "QualiCheese," an undertaking co-financed by the European Union. The project focuses on "shelf life optimization of sliced cheese considering ecologically sustainable packaging solutions", has a total budget of just under 800,000 euros and a duration of three years.

This high-profile project is lead by the MCI due to its expertise in food technology and its longstanding competences in leadership of large R&D projects and multidisciplinary team of researchers. In collaboration with project partners Bioalpine eGen, Kempten University of Applied Sciences, and muva kempten GmbH, the MCI is looking forward to three exciting and insightful years.

Three research focal points will be addressed during the project:

  • Durability optimization of sliced cheese while considering ecologically sustainable packaging solutions,
  • The factors of packaging (e.g., different packaging materials or atmospheres) which will be tested in experimental trials regarding their impact on the product,
  • Description of the quality of the packaging material and the product using microbial, invasive, and non-invasive measurement methods, as well as sensory evaluation.

The MCI is excited for a fruitful collaboration with promising results.

<p style=The MCI is looking forward to collaboration with their valuable project partners. Top left to right.: Maximilian Moravek (MUVA), Benedikt Hebel (HSK), Manuel Kessel (MCI), Björn Rasmus (Bioalpin), Katrin Bach (MCI); bottom: Christine Borsum (HSK), Monika Knödlseder (MUVA), Amelie Reinold (BioAlpin). ©MCI


The MCI is looking forward to collaboration with their valuable project partners. Top left to right.: Maximilian Moravek (MUVA), Benedikt Hebel (HSK), Manuel Kessel (MCI), Björn Rasmus (Bioalpin), Katrin Bach (MCI); bottom: Christine Borsum (HSK), Monika Knödlseder (MUVA), Amelie Reinold (BioAlpin). ©MCI

<p>© Unsplash/Alana Harris</p>

© Unsplash/Alana Harris

<p>©MCI / Anna Geisler</p>

©MCI / Anna Geisler

<p style=The MCI is looking forward to collaboration with their valuable project partners. Top left to right.: Maximilian Moravek (MUVA), Benedikt Hebel (HSK), Manuel Kessel (MCI), Björn Rasmus (Bioalpin), Katrin Bach (MCI); bottom: Christine Borsum (HSK), Monika Knödlseder (MUVA), Amelie Reinold (BioAlpin). ©MCI

<p>© Unsplash/Alana Harris</p>
<p>©MCI / Anna Geisler</p>
"QualiCheese" - the Austrian-Bavariann Inter-Regional Research Project
Kicking-off the Austria-Bavarian InterReg-project: Optimizing shelf life of sliced cheese with ecologically sustainable packaging
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