Tirol TV feature on the Digital Twin Lab

Date 2021-04-20

In cooperation with the Federation of Austrian Industry Tyrol, the "Digital Twin Lab" of the Entrepreneurial University® was launched, providing a powerful simulation environment for electric, hybrid and non-conventional powertrains.

To make complex technical decisions that minimise expensive and time-consuming repetitive processes in companies. Thanks to the accuracy and practicality of the tools used in the Digital Twin Lab at MCI, development cycles in the area of new design can already be shortened in practice and resources can be allocated in a more targeted manner.

Customised solutions are offered for the 'Leitwolf' snow groomer from Prinoth and the dozers from Liebherr.

The idea behind a digital twin is that it represents a digital copy of a physical object.

In our case, this means that we have created complete digital copies of the internal components (pumps, motors, valves etc.) of the Liebherr & Prinoth machines.

These digital copies describe the behaviour of the components using principles from physics and mathematics.

The big advantage here is that we can study the behaviour of a digital copy – and its influence in the entire system - more in-depth than we could with a physical one.

For example what happens if you switch the diesel engine by an electric one? Or how can we optimise the fuel economy of these machines?

<p>Digital Twin Lab at MCI. (c) Tirol TV</p>

Digital Twin Lab at MCI. (c) Tirol TV

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