MCI graduates at the State Award for Innovation 2021

Date 2021-11-05

Two graduates of the Department of Environmental, Process and Energy Engineering received the VERENA prize at the award ceremony for the State Prize for Innovation 2021 on November 04.

The company LAMBDA Wärmepumpen GmbH, founded by Florian Entleitner and Florian Fuchs, was awarded the special VERENA prize (VERBUND E-Novation Award) donated by VERBUND in cooperation with the Entrepreneurial School® for the project "Efficiency record with a clear lead in air heat pumps through newly developed process control".

The VERENA award is endowed with EUR 12,000 and is awarded as part of the State Innovation Award ceremony to a company that has implemented a project in the fields of electricity and energy systems, energy efficiency/management, security of supply, grid stability and smart grids, e-mobility or the use of renewable energies innovative cooperation projects with universities, universities of applied sciences or non-university research institutions.

The award was presented by Michael Strugl, Chairman of the Managing Board of VERBUND AG: "The energy and CO2 turnaround is the key to overcoming the climate crisis. Away from climate-damaging energy sources and towards renewable energy. This applies equally to all sectors. In the heating sector, too, we need a turnaround to clean energy sources. That's why I'm particularly pleased about this year's VERENA award winner. The combination of improved energy efficiency and process optimization shows what potential can still be leveraged. VERBUND has been promoting innovative projects with the VERENA Award for 19 years. Innovative companies are important partners and catalysts for achieving climate and energy targets. The 2021 nominations and award winners prove this once again."

The head of the Department of Environmental, Process and Energy Engineering Werner Stadlmayr was very pleased: "The awarding of this prize to two graduates of our department shows that the successful combination of theory and practice attracts and sustainably produces motivated young people as well as innovatively acting entrepreneurs. The future belongs to these people."

<p>From left to right: Werner Stadlmayr (Head of the Department of Environmental, Process and Energy Engineering), Florian Fuchs, Florian Entleitner (Founder LAMBDA Wärmepumpen GmbH), Margarete Schramböck (Federal Minister for Digitalization and Business Location) Michael Strugl (Chairman of the Board VERBUND AG); Foto: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH/APA-Fotoservice/Hörmandinger</p><p><em> </em></p>

From left to right: Werner Stadlmayr (Head of the Department of Environmental, Process and Energy Engineering), Florian Fuchs, Florian Entleitner (Founder LAMBDA Wärmepumpen GmbH), Margarete Schramböck (Federal Minister for Digitalization and Business Location) Michael Strugl (Chairman of the Board VERBUND AG); Foto: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH/APA-Fotoservice/Hörmandinger


<p>From left to right: Werner Stadlmayr (Head of the Department of Environmental, Process and Energy Engineering), Florian Fuchs, Florian Entleitner (Founder LAMBDA Wärmepumpen GmbH), Margarete Schramböck (Federal Minister for Digitalization and Business Location) Michael Strugl (Chairman of the Board VERBUND AG); Foto: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH/APA-Fotoservice/Hörmandinger</p><p><em> </em></p>
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