MCI joins "Alliance of Sustainable Universities“

Date 2022-02-07

In the fall of 2021, the "Alliance of Sustainable Universities" was founded. The Entrepreneurial School® is also part of this alliance. The association has set itself the goal of working together to advance the issue of sustainability in a holistic manner.

Climate change, the loss of biodiversity and resource scarcity represent global challenges that can only be met with targeted measures. Universities have an important social responsibility in this context, both by imparting knowledge and competences in the field of sustainable development in the study programs, as well as through research, science communication and transfer. The association is based in Vienna.

The "Alliance of Sustainable Universities" was launched by twelve universities: FH Burgenland, FH of BFI Vienna, FH Campus 02, IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, FH St. Pölten, FH Upper Austria, FH Joanneum, FH Kufstein Tyrol, FH Vorarlberg, FH Carinthia, FH Campus Vienna and MCI - The Entrepreneurial School®. Together, the members want to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. The measures set are to be applied not only in university management, but also in the areas of teaching and research. Through the exchange of experiences and competences and in joint initiatives, the future-oriented network wants to use synergies and set new impulses.

The main focus is on raising awareness for the topic of sustainability among students, teachers and staff. In addition, joint activities will support the public perception of this important area. This could be expressed, for example, in the development of new teaching and educational programs, or in the establishment of a digital platform on sustainability in teaching, research and conference planning.

Alexander Dumfort, full-time lecturer in the Department of Environmental, Process and Energy Engineering, was appointed the role the MCI representative. He was very pleased about the MCI's membership: "As a university, our role is to pass on scientifically sound knowledge to our students, who in turn act as multipliers for sustainable goals in society.”

<p>The MCI is now part of the Alliance of Sustainable Universities. © MCI/Kasper</p>

The MCI is now part of the Alliance of Sustainable Universities. © MCI/Kasper

<p>The MCI is now part of the Alliance of Sustainable Universities. © MCI/Kasper</p>
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