New Electives in the Master's in Food Technology & Nutrition

Date 2024-12-03

Choice between "Cosmetics production" and "Food supplements" from the first semester

The use of cosmetics and food supplements is very important to the population. Both areas are related to food technology in terms of production, formulation, preservation, and authorization. With the newly introduced electives, our students can choose between cosmetics production or food supplements in the first semester.

We are particularly pleased that we have been able to recruit two experts with great practical expertise for the two electives:

Julia Moesslacher, Visiting Professor for Pharmaceutical Technology & Biopharmaceutics, teaches the elective subject Food Supplements. August Aukenthaler, CONSULTANT REGULATORY AFFAIRS at Cura Cosmetics, imparts knowledge about the production of cosmetics. This elective is supplemented by excursions to local producers.

In the following two semesters, students also have the opportunity to choose between various electives on the topics of innovations in the food industry or quality assurance.

The elective options give students further opportunities to personalise their studies. Further courses are being planned, for example in the area of consumer behavior analysis.

<p>August Auckenthaler, a long-standing partner in various research projects, has also been teaching in the field of cosmetics production since this year. ©Julia Mösslacher</p>

August Auckenthaler, a long-standing partner in various research projects, has also been teaching in the field of cosmetics production since this year. ©Julia Mösslacher

<p>In Julia Mösslacher's interactive lectures, students explore a range of food supplements available in pharmacies and drugstores. They then compile their findings, offering insightful summaries and personal reflections. ©Julia Mösslacher</p>

In Julia Mösslacher's interactive lectures, students explore a range of food supplements available in pharmacies and drugstores. They then compile their findings, offering insightful summaries and personal reflections. ©Julia Mösslacher

<p>During visits to Cura Cosmetics, participants gain insights into the testing methods used to identify the right products for consumers. ©MCI</p>

During visits to Cura Cosmetics, participants gain insights into the testing methods used to identify the right products for consumers. ©MCI

<p>Students visit the Tyrolean organic cosmetics manufacturer Pure Green ©MCI</p>

Students visit the Tyrolean organic cosmetics manufacturer Pure Green ©MCI

<p>August Auckenthaler, a long-standing partner in various research projects, has also been teaching in the field of cosmetics production since this year. ©Julia Mösslacher</p>
<p>In Julia Mösslacher's interactive lectures, students explore a range of food supplements available in pharmacies and drugstores. They then compile their findings, offering insightful summaries and personal reflections. ©Julia Mösslacher</p>
<p>During visits to Cura Cosmetics, participants gain insights into the testing methods used to identify the right products for consumers. ©MCI</p>
<p>Students visit the Tyrolean organic cosmetics manufacturer Pure Green ©MCI</p>
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Why Choose Food Technology?
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New Electives in the Master's in Food Technology & Nutrition
New Electives in the Master's in Food Technology & Nutrition
Choice between "Cosmetics production" and "Food supplements" from the first semester
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