The Conference Proceedings "Mechatronics & Smart Technologies" are here!

Date 2022-01-21

Once again, the master's theses of this year's graduates were presented in the "Mechatronics & Smart Technologies" conference proceedings.


This year, the BMW Group and the Hilti Company, among others, supported some of the students in their master’s theses.

Of particular note this year are Thomas Margreiter, whose master's thesis was awarded the WKT - Science Award, and Stefan Kohlgrüber, who was awarded the prize for the best master's thesis by the Mechatronics Platform.

Although the last two years have had their challenges, great efforts have been made to maintain the quality of teaching in order to provide students with the necessary expertise.Fortunately, the methods and platforms have now advanced to the point where online teaching has little impact on studying and learning.

This year's conference proceedings "Mechatronics & Smart Technologies" shows this quite impressively. If you would like to see for yourself, you are welcome to pick up the new conference proceedings at the MCI IV Mechatronics Office.

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The conference proceedings "Mechatronics & Smart Technologies" ©MCI

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