MCI Mechatronics graduate wins excellence scholarship

Date 2022-12-22

Stefan Kohlgrüber has received a coveted scholarship for his final thesis on the further development of a telerobotic surgical system.

Stefan Kohlgrüber at the award ceremony in Wien © Industriellenvereinigung
Stefan Kohlgrüber at the award ceremony in Wien © Industriellenvereinigung

The Dr. Franz Josef Mayer-Gunthof Foundation awarded three excellence scholarships throughout Austria on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. Under the motto "Hunting for Excellence", the foundation would like to contribute to the development of industry-relevant topics for the future.

We are extremely proud that a graduate of the master's program Mechatronics & Smart Technologies  has been awarded one of the three scholarships for his final thesis.

Together with two theses by PhDs from TU Graz, as well as from the Montanuniversität Leoben, Stefan Kohlgrüber, BSc, MSc was awarded for his master thesis entitled "FPGA-based control of the telerobotic surgical system da Vinci Research Kit".

In his research, he worked on the further development of a telerobotic system for surgical interventions via an open source platform of Johns Hopkins University.

"On behalf of the Federation of Austrian Industries, I congratulate all award winners on these outstanding academic achievements. For us as an industry, science and research are essential foundations for a thriving and sustainable business location - but excellent innovations for the future are not created in a vacuum; we need science as a strong partner. Only together can we develop the innovative solutions for the future," said Christoph Neumayer, Secretary General of the Federation of Austrian Industries (Industriellenvereinigung) at the award ceremony.

We congratulate Stefan Kohlgrüber on this outstanding achievement!


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