Dr. Gordon Krauss writes about his stay as a Fulbright Professor at MCI
The Entrepreneurial School ® was very happy to welcome Dr. Gordon Krauss from Harvey Mudd College (California) as a Fulbright Professor in our study program Mechatronics and the MCI winter program during spring 2020 semester.
Regardless of the limitations and challenges brought by Covid-19, Gordon draws a positive picture on his stay at MCI:
„My Fulbright visit to MCI happened to fall at the time of a global pandemic with the European epicenter in nearby Italy. The resulting closure of Austria’s borders and mandatory quarantine changed the focus of my work and nature of my teaching. In particular, the format of instruction moved from in-person to online, the class teams were distributed rather than localized, and even the language of instruction in one course had to accommodate English rather than German. Nevertheless, I very much enjoyed the experience including the tremendous support from my colleagues and from the students. I especially appreciated the continuing focus of the faculty to deliver high quality course experiences despite these challenges and hold students and each other to a high standard. Perhaps seeing how a University operates under such stressful times is the most authentic of cultural exchange experiences.“
We wish Gordon a safe journey back home and look forward to a fruitful cooperation in the future.