Exchange Semester during Turbulent Times

Date 2020-07-09

140 incoming students from all over the world experiened a challenging exchange semester at MCI

It seems like yesterday when we welcomed about 140 incoming students from all around the world during our orientation days and now this semester is almost over. It has been a unique semester with many challenges for all of us like crisis management, online teaching, safety and security.

Many students had returned to their home country and nearly everyone had to adjust their plans.

Jana Doubková, student of the University of Economics, Prague sent us a message after returning back home: ”Back home in Czech Republic I am continuing with the online live sessions which are actually great and I would like to thank all our lecturers who keep putting a lot of effort to make this work so smoothly. Very truly appreciated!

MCI had to adapt a lot during the last semester. We were required to move from teaching on-campus, to a virtual learning model. This change occurred in record time, thanks to the commitment of the entire staff, lecturers, personnel and students. Students kept in touch with professors online, following most of their courses as scheduled.

We are convinced that our support and efforts have been successful. Regardless of the limitations and challenges brought by Covid-19, we are very happy to hear that our exchange students speak highly of their semester at MCI:

My semester here at MCI has been really good and I would say that the courses are of high standard as I am use to at home. In general I think the online classes have worked well and the outcome has been satisfying. Furthermore I think MCI was really fast at changing into online lectures which I would like to say thank you for.” (Jakob Vestergaard Kragh Sørensen, Aarhus University, Denmark)

Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) is an amazing facility with dedicated staff that want each of their students to succeed, even given the unique circumstances. Each and every one of my instructors was thrown through the loop when they were asked to convert their lectures to an online format at the last minute. And each and every one of them did it with grace| not even allowing it to seem like they were rushed into it.” (Melissa Phillips, Capilano University)

I also think MCI handled the COVID-19 situation really well. We were well informed during the whole situation and the transition to online lectures worked well. My friends who tested positive got help and support from the school (…). Even though I never really got to attend MCI in person, you guys managed to really impress and leave a positive impression.” (Kira Ruohonen, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences).

Despite the demanding circumstances, a vast majority of our students have been able to complete their courses and draw a positive picture of this semester. We congratulate our students on their performance and quick adaptation as well as our lecturers and staff for their commitment to service and quality during this difficult period. Furthermore, we wish all our students a safe journey back home.

<p><em>Jana Doubková during her online studies. Photo: <em>Jana Doubková </em> </em></p>

Jana Doubková during her online studies. Photo: Jana Doubková

<p><em>Jana Doubková during her online studies. Photo: <em>Jana Doubková </em> </em></p>
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