Welcome to Ulysseus - course catalogue for students 2021

Date 2021-04-06

Ulysseus ‘takes off’ and offers MCI students an interesting course portfolio for the summer semester

Courses on offer for Students – University of Genova

Medical English


  • Academic Course | 4 ECTS | Prof. Carlo Pesce

  • Registration due date: Registration available whole semester

  • Course Start Date: Spring / Summer

  • 24 videos for a total of 6 hours

  • Login: University of Genova - EDU

  • Exam Type: Final exam

  • Language: English



In today's globalized world, the health professional has often the need to communicate in English with patients and colleagues. The aim of this course is not that of teaching how to read a medical text, but to help you to practice your profession in English, possibly in a human context different from the one you are familiar with. The first two videos concern the cultural barriers that may hamper communication with patients of a different ethnic background. In the following videos, the health professionals enter a virtual hospital, meet its staff, and visit its individual operating units. Later on, they encounter patients, collect their medical histories, perform their physical examination, set down medical records, request diagnostic tests, and prescribe therapy. 

Several videos concern specific medical areas, for which typical dialogue situations are represented using the most frequent medical terms. The focus is not on technical words, but on the common terms that the patient may use. In all these scenarios, possible differences between the Anglo-Saxon and Italian interpersonal approach are emphasized for the purpose of fostering trust and communication with the patient. The course includes 24 video for a total of more than 6 hours.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • to develop a multicultural approach for the health professional

  • to communicate in English with patients and colleagues

  • to use English medical vocabulary in order to work in an English-speaking medical setting


Advanced English: Scientific Writing


  • Academic Course | 2 ECTS | Prof. Carlo Pesce

  • Registration due date: Registration available whole semester

  • Course Start Date: Spring / Summer

  • 9 videos and a final test

  • Login: University of Genova - EDU

  • Exam Type: Final test

  • Language: English



Although English has been the lingua franca of science for over a century, young researchers often find it difficult to produce a manuscript for an international journal in a style acceptable for publication. An easily readable text, devoid of repetitions or contradictions, which presents in logical sequence the author’s findings and comments, is a great wild card to rapid publication of the work done in the laboratory or in the clinical ward. This short course, which requires a good knowledge of English, is dedicated to the technique of scientific writing, in particular in the medical and biological fields. The video lectures address the common grammatical errors of morphology and syntax that are often encountered while editing manuscripts. Specific areas being covered include use of pronouns, punctuation and dangling participles. Next come specific issues of technical writing, such as abbreviations, units of measure, and choice of standard scientific terms. A video lecture is dedicated to the different types of scientific publications and the logical sequence of presentation of the work done in the sections of the article. Finally, practical examples of text editing are used to deal with finer points of style, such as how to organize the text in paragraphs, and how to avoid redundancy, elegant variation, or ambiguous phrasing.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • to organize scientific data for publication

  • to acquire expertise in scientific/technical writing

  • to learn international standards of text composition

  • to edit scientific text according to international standards


Summer Seminar: Manuscript Editing


  • Academic Course | 2 ECTS | Prof. Carlo Pesce

  • Registration due date: May 31

  • Course Start Date: June 2021 (dates: TBA)

  • Online | 10 particpants | Apply via e-mail: Mail @Prof. Pesce

  • Report: Certificate of Attendance

  • Language: English



Drafts of scientific manuscripts will be edited live by participants with a view to improve and standardize the text in terms of layout and style. A final version of each draft, including possible alternatives, will be produced.  Participants are invited to submit their own manuscripts for revision during the seminar.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • to practice scientific text editing according to acknowledged standards


Environmental Evaluation and Accounting


  • Academic Course | 3 -8 ECTS | Prof. Barbara Cavalletti

  • Registration due date: TBD

  • Course Start Date: Lessons are recorded

  • 40 hours of in-class lectures / 24 hours of seminars and expert talks

  • Lessons are accessible: Jean Monnet University of Genova

  • Report: Certificate of Attendance

  • Language: English



In the core of the debate on the ecological transaction, at the heart of a more general reflection on climate neutrality objectives, growth and development models and the heritage we will leave to next generations, the EVA course offers advanced training in the theoretical and empirical tools for managing the economic dimension of environmental conservation and biodiversity. Moreover, the course proposes a multi-disciplinary approach in order to take up, in terms of new professional skills, the challenges proposed by the European policy of the New Green Deal. Environmental economics in fact is recognized as an interdisciplinary field of study however, the relative teaching academic course does not yet integrate economic and ecological contents in a single framework. The aim of the course is then to propose to graduate students a master course where they are taught specific economic concepts and are shown how to exploit them to complement their technical scientific competence. This interdisciplinary knowledge represents a value added as it fosters professional profiles specifically trained for a “green job” profession (e.g. environmental accountant and environmental consultant), highly promoted by the EU (see Green Jobs for a greener future, 2007), or for positions in environmental departments of government bodies or protected areas management.

The course lessons are divided in four complementary classes: the first provides a good starting base in quantitative methods and develops an approach Economic Analysis of the Environment and Economic valuation; the second illustrates the leading quantitative methods for environmental analysis and valuation; the third, discusses the basic concepts of the environmental-economic accounting with specific reference to the SEEA-CF and SEEA-EEA and its connection with the system of national accounts and illustrates, as a case study, the economic and financial accounting of protected areas; the fourth presents ecological accounting in terms of energy flow in the ecosystem (the energetic approach) as a valuation approach that follows parallel lines with economics and illustrates, as a case study, the ecological accounting of protected areas. Each class of the module will end with a workshop, held by at least one professional expert who is invited to shed light on the latest advancement in European policy implementations at various levels (international, national, regional and local).

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • To draw up and interpret ecological, economic and financial accounts that include the value of ecosystem services in line with European guidelines

  • Understand and evaluate, with critical and independent judgement, the role of environmental policy in orienting markets and economic activities towards the goal of sustainability.

  • Acquire the technical language typical of the discipline to communicate clearly and unambiguously with specialist and non-specialist interlocutors: companies and institutions that deal with environmental and economic variables in formulating their decisions. 


Courses on offer for Students – Technical University of Kosice


EU Strategy for Green Technologies


  • Academic Course or Training | 3 ECTS | Maros Halama

  • Registration due date: 30/04/2021

  • Course Start Date: 20/06/2021

  • Online | Available seats: 7 | Bachelor / 1st year

  • Contact: Mail @Prof. Halama

  • Exam Type: Homework, Presentation

  • Report: Certificate of Attendance

  • Language: English



  • The role of Green Technologies leading to Decarbonisation.

  • EU Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Batteries and Hydrogen.

  • Implementation of Green Tech Strategies at Regional Level. Hydrogen Valleys.

  • Battery Industry across Value Chain contributing to Circular Economy. From Advanced Materials to Recycling.

  • Hydrogen Industry. From Production, via Distribution and Storage to Clean Applications.

  • Safety of Green Technologies. From Lab Scale, via Testing into Applications.

  • Education Challenge and Public Awareness. New Skills in Green and Digital Era.

  • Cross-cutting Activities. Dual Use of Technologies.

  • Ethical Aspects of Advanced Technologies.


Intended Learning Outcomes:

The course explores potential of green technologies such as batteries and hydrogen in fulfilling huge climatic ambition of EU to become carbon neutral continent before 2050. Students gain knowledge in strategic agenda regarding core green technologies.

In addition to all information, it open challenges joint with digitalization of this sector to become sustainable. Innovation in education is key aspect for safe future of green technologies.

<p><em> With Ulysseus MCI students benefit from an international European campus.</em></p>

 With Ulysseus MCI students benefit from an international European campus.

<p><em> With Ulysseus MCI students benefit from an international European campus.</em></p>
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