Business students from around the world take classes together in Austria

Date 2022-08-17

New blended class in Organizational Behavior in cooperation with Stillman School of Business at Seton Hall University.

As educational institutions restart their international exchanges after COVID lockdowns,  MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® and the Stillman School of Business at Seton Hall University have leveraged their collaboration agreement to mount an innovative way to engage students to study abroad.  In late May, the two institutions fashioned a blended class in Organizational Behavior.  In this class, 10 students from Seton Hall, led by Seton Hall Professor Karen Boroff, Ph.D., joined with a group of 12 students from MCI.

“In the class were students from Germany, Spain, Mexico, the Czech Republic, Italy, France, Thailand, and the United States.  The discussion of topics such as leadership, motivation, job values, and more was incredibly enriched by the cultures and experiences of students from around the world,” Boroff said.  “While textbooks regularly address topics of global implications of concepts, our students were able to apply immediately these concepts from the rich dialog they had with each other.” 

Ondrej Pesek, the International Short Programs Coordinator at MCI noted, ”It was a pleasure to support such a project. It underlines our strategy of current business issues and intercultural aspects.”

Susanne Lichtmannegger, Head of International Relations at MCI, oversaw the orientation for all students, providing them with insights about MCI and the Austrian culture.  “It was so exciting to restart in-person orientation and we welcomed our colleagues from Seton Hall in this novel approach to exchange relationships.  The model was a first for us and has not been replicated elsewhere.” 

All students were able to socialize outside of class, providing them the opportunity to learn from one another, share experiences and professional aspirations. Robert Callahan, a rising Seton Hall senior majoring in sport management and marketing, remarked, “MCI in Innsbruck was the perfect location to study.  The city was incredibility easy to navigate and the cultural and natural settings were beautiful.”  Fellow student Danielle Sikowitz, who is studying for her MBA in international business, at first wondered whether not knowing how to speak German would be a barrier, but soon learned that the city and fellow MCI students were bilingual.  “I found my favorite café in two days and felt at home quickly,” she said.

MCI exchange student Guntinun Bonkrathok, who joined the program from Thailand, enjoyed the course and praised the lecturer Dr. Boroff. “She structured the class well and always encouraged discussions. She was very supportive and was always available to her students."

Seton Hall University and MCI look forward to continuing their exchange under this format.  Boroff and Lichtmannegger agreed.  “It is an exceptional way to offer international learning experiences for all our students.”

About MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® combines science and business into one unique concept. International lecturers and experts, a worldwide network and numerous services offer students an unforgettable study experience with excellent career prospects. With more than 300 selected partner universities around the world, distinguished double degree programs, prestigious international accreditations and top placements in several surveys and rankings, MCI enjoys an excellent reputation worldwide. Its location in the middle of the vibrant alpine metropolis of Innsbruck, Austria, promises an ideal study-life balance with a wealth of cultural and sporting opportunities. For more information, visit

About Seton Hall University

One of the country’s leading Catholic universities, Seton Hall has been showing the world what great minds can do since 1856. Home to nearly 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students and offering more than 80 rigorous majors, Seton Hall’s academic excellence has been singled out for distinction by The Princeton Review, US News & World Report and Bloomberg Businessweek. Seton Hall, which embraces students of all religions, prepares its graduates to be exemplary servant leaders and caring global citizens. Its attractive main campus is located in suburban South Orange, New Jersey, and is only 14 miles by train, bus or car to New York City, offering a wealth of employment, internship, cultural and entertainment opportunities. For more information, visit

Students of the blended class Organizational Behavior. © Seton Hall

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