WHU Otto Beisheim Management School at MCI

Date 2023-04-12

MCI offers unique program for international MBA students

The full-time MBA students of WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management recently visited the MCI I The Entrepreneurial School® in Innsbruck not only to gain new insights into the world of international business and leadership in Europe, but also to be greatly influenced by the wonderful environment, which helped shape their leadership credo.

During their visit, the students had the chance to attend various lectures, impulse sessions and guest speeches on topics ranging from leadership and strategy to entrepreneurship and innovation. The sessions were highly interactive with intense student discussions. This helped them gain a deeper understanding of the concepts they learned during their one-year MBA program. Apart from the academic sessions, the batch also got to explore the beautiful city of Innsbruck and experience its unique culture. They tasted local cuisine, visited various local businesses and fully immersed themselves into the Austrian way of life through hikes around the famous Nordkette (Alpine mountain range).

The visit was a great opportunity for the students to expand their network with professionals from different parts of the world, as they were able to connect with the faculty members and enjoyed the vibrant MCI campus packed with local and international students.

Overall, the WHU study tour at MCI was a successful and fruitful experience. The students now carry with them a newfound appreciation for the importance of leadership and its impact on individuals and organizations alike.

We, the MCI team, would like to extend our best wishes to the MBA students of WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management as they embark on their future career paths. It was a pleasure to host them and share our knowledge and insights with such a bright and enthusiastic group. We hope that their visit to MCI and Innsbruck was an enriching experience that will stay with them for years to come.

<p>MBA-Students of WHU together with the Associate Dean & Academic Director WHU MBA Program Jürgen Weigand, Daniel Weninger, Head of Coaching, as well as Silke Nierling-Freiberger, Program Manager <em>© MCI/ Petr Richter</em></p>

MBA-Students of WHU together with the Associate Dean & Academic Director WHU MBA Program Jürgen Weigand, Daniel Weninger, Head of Coaching, as well as Silke Nierling-Freiberger, Program Manager © MCI/ Petr Richter

<p>MBA Program Director Zeeshan Sultan, Silke Nierling-Freiberger, Program Manager, Kim Fladda, Coordinator Transnational Programs as well as Ondrej Pesek, Exchange Coordinator <em>© WHU/ Zeeshan Sultan</em></p>

MBA Program Director Zeeshan Sultan, Silke Nierling-Freiberger, Program Manager, Kim Fladda, Coordinator Transnational Programs as well as Ondrej Pesek, Exchange Coordinator © WHU/ Zeeshan Sultan

<p>MBA-Students of WHU together with the Associate Dean & Academic Director WHU MBA Program Jürgen Weigand, Daniel Weninger, Head of Coaching, as well as Silke Nierling-Freiberger, Program Manager <em>© MCI/ Petr Richter</em></p>
<p>MBA Program Director Zeeshan Sultan, Silke Nierling-Freiberger, Program Manager, Kim Fladda, Coordinator Transnational Programs as well as Ondrej Pesek, Exchange Coordinator <em>© WHU/ Zeeshan Sultan</em></p>
 Kim Fladda, BA MA | Coordinator Transnational Education & Projects International Relations
Kim Fladda, BA MACoordinator Transnational Education & Projects
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