Kick-off for "Smart Building Technologies"

Date 2021-09-09

The first dual study program at MCI in Tyrol and in the EUREGIO "Tyrol – South Tyrol – Trentino" welcomes its first cohort and the corporate partners from North, East and South Tyrol to the joint kick-off.

The festive opening of the 1st academic year of
The festive opening of the 1st academic year of "Smart Building Technologies". ©MCI-Geisler

September 6, 2021 celebrated the start of the dual Bachelor's degree programme "Smart Building Technologies": After careful planning by the university, business and politics, the study programme has now become a reality with the first highly motivated students of the class of 2021. In compliance with the current safety regulations regarding the COVID 19 pandemic, it was possible to celebrate this special start of studies in an appropriate manner at the university location.

Rector Andreas Altmann referred to the introductory words of programme director Werner Stadlmayr with a timeless quote by Hermann Hesse: "There is magic in every beginning. A magic that, in the case of the dual study programme Smart Building Technologies, is characterised by a lot of work, but also courage and joy." Eight companies from North, East and South Tyrol have provided apprenticeships for the first cohort of the dual study programme - to promote the smart building technologies of tomorrow and to offer people the opportunity to experience the benefits of an academic education with simultaneous work experience in the comprehensive field of building technologies.

"Good luck!" said Anton Mattle, Tyrol's Provincial Councillor for Economy and Industry. Secretary General Mag. Matthias Fink of the European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation "Europaregion Tirol – Südtirol –Trentino" (EUREGIO) emphasized the special opportunities arising by dual studies in this future-oriented area with its cross-border dynamics – opportunities that can only be created through close cooperation with the highly professional, internationally renowned partners from Tyrolean industry. The international orientation of the corporate partners, who also offer jobs with strong regional foothold, is another future-oriented element of dual studies - a form of study that the modern university must anchor, according to Rector Altmann.

Following the greetings, the course for the future was set: In an informal ambience, the students and company partners were able to talk extensively over drinks and create connections that went beyond the content of the training. It is close to the hearts of all involved to clarify the big picture of the programme and to network all participants with each other in order to understand connections between the individual trades and to deepen synergies, commitment and motivation.

The "Smart Building Technologies" team would like to thank all supporters from politics, business and education, but especially the courageous 13 students of the first year, who are embarking on the adventure "Combine studies and professional practice" in the promising field of modern building technology - a first time format at MCI, in Tyrol and in the EUREGIO. In the best spirit, we wish us all: Good luck!


Our partner companies:

Our partners from the business world form an essential part of the dual study programme "Smart Building Technologies", which is why we would like to take the opportunity to thank all those involved for their cooperation and value their expertise:

The office for integral planning ATP - architects engineers, based in Innsbruck, is a market leader in Western Europe and realises innovative solutions in building construction as well as building equipment between Zurich, Zagreb and Moscow - the airport terminal 2 in Berlin, which was completed after only 38 months, can be mentioned as a showcase project.

The Vomp-based family business planlicht GmbH. & Co.KG, which specialises in lighting technology, founded the start-up company CARE BY LIGHT in cooperation with MCI and developed an air purification system that effectively eliminates viruses, bacteria, germs and fungi using UV-C LEDs.

The Brixlegg-based technical planning office SPIEGLTEC GmbH has been a specialist in the metallurgical, pharmaceutical and chemical industries for two decades and serves partners such as Novartis AG and Swiss-based F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd - two market-leading pharmaceutical companies in Europe.

For more than 110 years, ORTNER Ges.m.b.H. has been working on international projects in plant, process, piping and building technology from Innsbruck, Vienna, Munich and, since 2014, Appenzell in Switzerland.

Mader GmbH is also a leading South Tyrolean installation company in the field of sanitary engineering and industrial plant engineering, which is established in Munich in addition to offices in Sterzing, Bozen, Bruneck and Vahrn.

The E-Group, which is also based in South Tyrol holding the company Eurotherm S.p.A. in Eppan an der Weinstraße, produces radiation systems for heating as well as cooling solutions with water in northern Italy as well as Germany. 

The East Tyrolean companies HELLA and iDM round off the demands of modern building technology in the energy-efficient field of building air conditioning: As an expert in sun and weather protection technology, HELLA is represented in nine countries and is a partner of A1 Smart Home, which enables minute control of sunlight incidence via HELLA's individual product range.

iDM Energiesysteme GmbH counts on the use of natural energy sources and is pioneering heat pump technology. This PLETZER Group company stands for efficient and clean heat for generations. 


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<p>Program Director Werner Stadlmayr warmly welcomed those present at the kick-off for the start of the ">

Program Director Werner Stadlmayr warmly welcomed those present at the kick-off for the start of the "Smart Building Technologies" program. Photo: MCI-Geisler

<p>Rector Andreas Altmann opened the networking evening of the class 2021 of ">

Rector Andreas Altmann opened the networking evening of the class 2021 of "Smart Building Technologies" in a detailed-motivating manner. Photo: MCI-Geisler

<p>Anton Mattle, Regional Councillor, wished the 1st cohort of the dual study program at MCI as well as in Tyrol ">

Anton Mattle, Regional Councillor, wished the 1st cohort of the dual study program at MCI as well as in Tyrol "Good Luck!". Photo: MCI-Geisler

<div class=The representatives of the eight partner companies also addressed the plenum with their congratulations: Gerald Hulka did so as Managing Director of ATP architects engineers, Innsbruck. Photo: MCI-Geisler
The representatives of the eight partner companies also addressed the plenum with their congratulations: Gerald Hulka did so as Managing Director of ATP architects engineers, Innsbruck. Photo: MCI-Geisler
<p>On behalf of Eurotherm S.p.A., Managing Director Christian Pezzei spoke about the great opportunities of the dual study program. Photo: MCI-Geisler</p>

On behalf of Eurotherm S.p.A., Managing Director Christian Pezzei spoke about the great opportunities of the dual study program. Photo: MCI-Geisler

<div class=

 The very personal opening words from Robert Weitlaner, Head of InnovationLAB at HELLA - Sonnen- und Wetterschutztechnik GmbH were addressed on his behalf by Werner Stadlmayr. Photo: MCI-Geisler


 The very personal opening words from Robert Weitlaner, Head of InnovationLAB at HELLA - Sonnen- und Wetterschutztechnik GmbH were addressed on his behalf by Werner Stadlmayr. Photo: MCI-Geisler

<p>Christoph Bacher, Technical Managing Director of iDM Energiesysteme GmbH, expressed his delight for the start of the study program. Photo: MCI-Geisler</p>

Christoph Bacher, Technical Managing Director of iDM Energiesysteme GmbH, expressed his delight for the start of the study program. Photo: MCI-Geisler

<p>Michael Reinalter, Managing Director HVAC (heating, air-conditioning, ventilation, and sanitary engineering) division of Mader GmbH emphasized his connection to the MCI through his own enriching studies in the Environmental Engineering degree program. Photo: MCI-Geisler</p>

Michael Reinalter, Managing Director HVAC (heating, air-conditioning, ventilation, and sanitary engineering) division of Mader GmbH emphasized his connection to the MCI through his own enriching studies in the Environmental Engineering degree program. Photo: MCI-Geisler

<p>Managing Director Paul Unterluggauer spoke on behalf of ORTNER Ges.m.b.H. Photo: MCI-Geisler</p>

Managing Director Paul Unterluggauer spoke on behalf of ORTNER Ges.m.b.H. Photo: MCI-Geisler

<p>Raimund Mayr represented Planlicht GmbH & Co.KG as Technical Manager. Photo: MCI-Geisler</p>

Raimund Mayr represented Planlicht GmbH & Co.KG as Technical Manager. Photo: MCI-Geisler

<p>Katharina Margreiter conveyed the wishes of SPIEGLTEC GmbH as Head of Human Resources (HR). Photo: MCI-Geisler</p>

Katharina Margreiter conveyed the wishes of SPIEGLTEC GmbH as Head of Human Resources (HR). Photo: MCI-Geisler

<p>Matthias Fink concluded the round with motivating words on the cross-border cooperation of this first dual degree programme in the EUREGIO ">

Matthias Fink concluded the round with motivating words on the cross-border cooperation of this first dual degree programme in the EUREGIO "Tyrol – South Tyrol –Trentino". Photo: MCI-Geisler

<p>Afterwards, a relaxed discussion atmosphere awaited the participants in the foyer of MCI IV. Photo: MCI-Geisler</p>

Afterwards, a relaxed discussion atmosphere awaited the participants in the foyer of MCI IV. Photo: MCI-Geisler

<p>Getting to know each other in a festive setting was the focus of this evening for all business partners and students. Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>

Getting to know each other in a festive setting was the focus of this evening for all business partners and students. Photo: MCI-Hofer

<p>The respective companies proudly welcomed the students, who will complete their practical phases there: From ATP Group Leader HVAC, Georg Wartelsteiner (1st from left), and Managing Director Gerald Hulka (1st from right), with Franz Baumann (2nd from right) and Felix Burr (2nd from left). Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>

The respective companies proudly welcomed the students, who will complete their practical phases there: From ATP Group Leader HVAC, Georg Wartelsteiner (1st from left), and Managing Director Gerald Hulka (1st from right), with Franz Baumann (2nd from right) and Felix Burr (2nd from left). Photo: MCI-Hofer

<p>Managing Director Christian Pezzei welcomed Armin Costabiei to the Eurotherm team. Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>

Managing Director Christian Pezzei welcomed Armin Costabiei to the Eurotherm team. Photo: MCI-Hofer

<p>Tobias Schneider was welcomed by study program director Werner Stadlmayr and Silvia Öttl, senior lecturer, on behalf of HELLA – Sonnen- und Wetterschutztechnik GmbH. Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>

Tobias Schneider was welcomed by study program director Werner Stadlmayr and Silvia Öttl, senior lecturer, on behalf of HELLA – Sonnen- und Wetterschutztechnik GmbH. Photo: MCI-Hofer

<p>Technical Managing Director Christoph Bacher was delighted with the iDM student team Elena Rainer, Florian Eder and Florian Huber (from left to right). Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>

Technical Managing Director Christoph Bacher was delighted with the iDM student team Elena Rainer, Florian Eder and Florian Huber (from left to right). Photo: MCI-Hofer

<p>Michael Reinalter, Managing Director HVAC (2nd from left), joined the talks together with Mader GmbH student Matthias Oberegger (1st from left). Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>

Michael Reinalter, Managing Director HVAC (2nd from left), joined the talks together with Mader GmbH student Matthias Oberegger (1st from left). Photo: MCI-Hofer

<p>The ORTNER Group was delighted about the cooperation with Philipp Gugerbauer (2nd from left) and Johannes Ambach (2nd from right), represented by Managing Director ORTNER Ges.m.b.H. Innsbruck, Paul Unterluggauer (1st from left) and Johann Kirchmair, Technical Manager ORTNER Ges.m.b.H. Innsbruck (1st from right). Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>

The ORTNER Group was delighted about the cooperation with Philipp Gugerbauer (2nd from left) and Johannes Ambach (2nd from right), represented by Managing Director ORTNER Ges.m.b.H. Innsbruck, Paul Unterluggauer (1st from left) and Johann Kirchmair, Technical Manager ORTNER Ges.m.b.H. Innsbruck (1st from right). Photo: MCI-Hofer

<p>Caspar Weiß starts the dual study programme together with the company planlicht GmbH & Co.KG, represented here by Technical Manager Raimund Mayr. Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>

Caspar Weiß starts the dual study programme together with the company planlicht GmbH & Co.KG, represented here by Technical Manager Raimund Mayr. Photo: MCI-Hofer

<p>SPIEGLTEC GmbH is particularly pleased about the two female students contributing to their company: Katharina Margreiter, Head of HR (1st from left), with Evelyn Hanser (2nd from left) and Laura Dachauer (3rd from left). Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>

SPIEGLTEC GmbH is particularly pleased about the two female students contributing to their company: Katharina Margreiter, Head of HR (1st from left), with Evelyn Hanser (2nd from left) and Laura Dachauer (3rd from left). Photo: MCI-Hofer

<p>The kick-off was characterized by good humor and open discussions throughout. All present were happy about the networking opportunity and wish the class of 2021 all the best! Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>

The kick-off was characterized by good humor and open discussions throughout. All present were happy about the networking opportunity and wish the class of 2021 all the best! Photo: MCI-Hofer

<p>Program Director Werner Stadlmayr warmly welcomed those present at the kick-off for the start of the ">
<p>Rector Andreas Altmann opened the networking evening of the class 2021 of ">
<p>Anton Mattle, Regional Councillor, wished the 1st cohort of the dual study program at MCI as well as in Tyrol ">
<div class=The representatives of the eight partner companies also addressed the plenum with their congratulations: Gerald Hulka did so as Managing Director of ATP architects engineers, Innsbruck. Photo: MCI-Geisler
<p>On behalf of Eurotherm S.p.A., Managing Director Christian Pezzei spoke about the great opportunities of the dual study program. Photo: MCI-Geisler</p>
<div class=

 The very personal opening words from Robert Weitlaner, Head of InnovationLAB at HELLA - Sonnen- und Wetterschutztechnik GmbH were addressed on his behalf by Werner Stadlmayr. Photo: MCI-Geisler

<p>Christoph Bacher, Technical Managing Director of iDM Energiesysteme GmbH, expressed his delight for the start of the study program. Photo: MCI-Geisler</p>
<p>Michael Reinalter, Managing Director HVAC (heating, air-conditioning, ventilation, and sanitary engineering) division of Mader GmbH emphasized his connection to the MCI through his own enriching studies in the Environmental Engineering degree program. Photo: MCI-Geisler</p>
<p>Managing Director Paul Unterluggauer spoke on behalf of ORTNER Ges.m.b.H. Photo: MCI-Geisler</p>
<p>Raimund Mayr represented Planlicht GmbH & Co.KG as Technical Manager. Photo: MCI-Geisler</p>
<p>Katharina Margreiter conveyed the wishes of SPIEGLTEC GmbH as Head of Human Resources (HR). Photo: MCI-Geisler</p>
<p>Matthias Fink concluded the round with motivating words on the cross-border cooperation of this first dual degree programme in the EUREGIO ">
<p>Afterwards, a relaxed discussion atmosphere awaited the participants in the foyer of MCI IV. Photo: MCI-Geisler</p>
<p>Getting to know each other in a festive setting was the focus of this evening for all business partners and students. Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>
<p>The respective companies proudly welcomed the students, who will complete their practical phases there: From ATP Group Leader HVAC, Georg Wartelsteiner (1st from left), and Managing Director Gerald Hulka (1st from right), with Franz Baumann (2nd from right) and Felix Burr (2nd from left). Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>
<p>Managing Director Christian Pezzei welcomed Armin Costabiei to the Eurotherm team. Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>
<p>Tobias Schneider was welcomed by study program director Werner Stadlmayr and Silvia Öttl, senior lecturer, on behalf of HELLA – Sonnen- und Wetterschutztechnik GmbH. Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>
<p>Technical Managing Director Christoph Bacher was delighted with the iDM student team Elena Rainer, Florian Eder and Florian Huber (from left to right). Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>
<p>Michael Reinalter, Managing Director HVAC (2nd from left), joined the talks together with Mader GmbH student Matthias Oberegger (1st from left). Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>
<p>The ORTNER Group was delighted about the cooperation with Philipp Gugerbauer (2nd from left) and Johannes Ambach (2nd from right), represented by Managing Director ORTNER Ges.m.b.H. Innsbruck, Paul Unterluggauer (1st from left) and Johann Kirchmair, Technical Manager ORTNER Ges.m.b.H. Innsbruck (1st from right). Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>
<p>Caspar Weiß starts the dual study programme together with the company planlicht GmbH & Co.KG, represented here by Technical Manager Raimund Mayr. Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>
<p>SPIEGLTEC GmbH is particularly pleased about the two female students contributing to their company: Katharina Margreiter, Head of HR (1st from left), with Evelyn Hanser (2nd from left) and Laura Dachauer (3rd from left). Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>
<p>The kick-off was characterized by good humor and open discussions throughout. All present were happy about the networking opportunity and wish the class of 2021 all the best! Photo: MCI-Hofer</p>
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