First Experiences with Dual Study Program at MCI

Date 2021-10-20

Student Florian Huber has already been able to gain initial experience at iDM Energiesysteme GmbH,
where he will complete the practical phases of his dual study program "Smart Building Technologies".

At iDM, Florian will be working in the area of "Product Management" to produce efficient heat pumps for the future.

What he appreciates most about his dual training is that he gets to deal with all the components of smart building and learn a broad basic knowledge in the field of building technology. Technical enthusiasm is central to this dual course of study, which spans several trades of tomorrow's intelligently networked building construction – and this, Florian definitely brings with him. Look and see for yourself:

<p>Florian Huber shares his first experiences with the dual study program The video is only available in German at the current moment; please feel free to contact us for more information on its contents.


Florian Huber shares his first experiences with the dual study program "Smart Building Technologies". With the kind support of © whatchado and iDM - Energiesysteme GmbH.
The video is only available in German at the current moment; please feel free to contact us for more information on its contents.

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