Smart Törggelen

Date 2021-11-19

Joint Törggelen | Conclusion of the first study phase of the first cohort

Well fortified at the end of the first study phase – under this motto, the team around study program director Werner Stadlmayr invited to a joint Törggele evening at AUIS in the heart of Innsbruck's city center on November 5th 2021.

The joint Törggelen was used to sum up the first study phase in a cosy get-together. ©MCI-Hofer

The joint Törggelen was used to sum up the first study phase in a cosy get-together. ©MCI-Hofer

6 of the 9 courses have already been completed, and now the last block of the semester is about to begin. The dual students will finish their first study phase of "Smart Building Technologies" on December 7th and will then be able to gain a professional foothold in the company of their choice for 12 weeks. During this first practical phase, they get to know the 8 partner companies from North, East and South Tyrol from the ground up and are involved in initial project planning."The first practical phase is characterized by a general getting to know of the company: The students are introduced to the teams and get a feel for which departments have which role in the company. This is of particular importance and interest to them because as future building technicians they will learn about all the elements of the smart, intelligently networked building and how to coordinate the relevant trades," Stadlmayr emphasizes.

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Prof. Dr. Werner Stadlmayr | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Smart Building Technologies
Prof. Dr. Werner StadlmayrHead of Department & Studies
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