How to plan the future – BIM course at MCI

Date 2022-04-04

Working method for networked building design | Career Seminar on BIM at the Entrepreneurial School®

In order to be able to plan modern sustainable building technology efficiently and comprehensively, basic knowledge of digital planning tools is essential. This is where the working method "Building Information Modeling (BIM)" comes into play: Via a selection of software solutions, the digital planning of the modern building is made accessible to all actors in order to map buildings over their entire life cycle with all their relevant information (such as the placement of elements in the building, their dimensions, costs, maintenance instructions and error messages of the technical systems, etc.) and to plan the building efficiently as a whole.

In order to get to know and be able to use this working methodology and the software solutions offered early on in their studies, the dual bachelor program "Smart Building Technologies", in coordination with the cooperation partner ATP architekten ingenieure and its partner company Plandata GmbH, has now created a further training offer for the students and other interested parties.

During the three-day Career Seminar, Lars Oberwinter (Plandata GmbH, 2nd from left) presented the basic principles of BIM to the students of the dual Bachelor's program

During the three-day Career Seminar, Lars Oberwinter (Plandata GmbH, 2nd from left) presented the basic principles of BIM to the students of the dual Bachelor's program "Smart Building Technologies" and the full-time lecturer of the program, Silvia Öttl (1st from left), as well as to the employees of the Department "Infrastructure & Organization", Stefan Straka (3rd from right) and Gernot Gutternig (1st from right), and Helmut Penz (2nd from right) of ORTNER Ges.m.b.H. Innsbruck, another cooperation partner of the dual study program at MCI. ©MCI-Hofer

In the three-day Career Seminar of the Entrepreneurial School®, "Planning the Future - Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM)", Lars Oberwinter introduced the basis of BIM methods on March 18, 25 and 26, 2022. Oberwinter is managing partner of Plandata. As an independent consulting service provider, Plandata has been supporting customers for more than 30 years in the implementation, adaptation and expansion of IT-supported processes in the construction industry - since 2015 now also in the field of intelligent building technology.

The Career Seminar provided participants with a broad overview of the topics, potentials and challenges of the BIM way of working and aimed to generate a profound understanding of the relevant terminology as the future common language of all disciplines involved in construction. After an introductory explanation of terms, Lars Oberwinter presented the essential principles and methods before rounding off with an initial software training on ArchiCAD and the Solibri Model Checker for the practical implementation of the basic work steps.

Based on the software exercises, the participants of the Career Seminar gained concrete insights into practical work with BIM. ©MCI-Hofer

Based on the software exercises, the participants of the Career Seminar gained concrete insights into practical work with BIM. ©MCI-Hofer

In addition to the students of the dual bachelor program "Smart Building Technologies", representatives of the Department "Infrastructure & Organization" and Helmut Penz from ORTNER Ges.m.b.H. Innsbruck also took part, who will contribute their newly acquired knowledge to the further design of the new MCI building.

Students of the dual bachelor program "Smart Building Technologies" receive in-depth and versatile training in the trades involved in intelligent building technology. In addition, they learn profound knowledge of building design in the modules "Information Technology" and "Automation, Measurement and Control Technology", which is incorporated into the digital planning of the building.

The Career Seminar thus represents a valuable addition in the area of methodological knowledge at the beginning of the studies. Accordingly, work is already underway to develop a more advanced course.

Overall representation of the building elements – the current example project

Overall representation of the building elements – the current example project "IN-TOWER" by ATP architects engineers. ©ATP architects engineers

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