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Date 2022-07-12

Dual study program "Smart Building Technologies" inspires "Erasmus+" project "KazDual"

The dual bachelor's program at the Entrepreneurial School® has attracted international interest. An association of 7 Kazakh universities now wants to introduce its own dual training system in coordination with the Kazakh Ministry of Education. With his in mind, 17 project participants had the development history of "Smart Building Technologies" explained to them.

Study program director Werner Stadlmayr, together with Silvia Öttl, full-time lecturer in the dual study program, invited the participants to an exchange of information and experience at Maximilianstraße 2 on July 5, 2022.The project partners from Kazakhstan as well as Germany met at the University College of Teacher Education Tyrol (Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol, in short "PHT") from Monday, June 27 to Wednesday, July 6, 2022 on the occasion of a workshop series. Combined, the team visited the MCI's Technology Campus to use empirical values from the dual bachelor's degree program "Smart Building Technologies" for their own project work.

The project participants learned about the dual concept at MCI in detail. ©MCI-Niederseer

The project participants learned about the dual concept at MCI in detail. ©MCI/Niederseer

The three-year "Erasmus+" project "KazDual – Implementation of the dual system in Kazakhstan" is led by Regine Mathies from the PHT (in the following picture in the middle row, 1st from left). In addition to the PHT, the "Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg", the "Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute (ACQUIN)", the "Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA)" and the "Tallinn University of Applied Sciences" are involved as European partner institutions.

The main goal of the project is the implementation of dual training structures in Kazakhstan. To this end, pilot programs are to be developed which, through their dual character, will increase the employability of graduates in various industrial sectors and improve cooperation between the higher education and private sectors. University graduates should thereby expand their competences in a labour market-oriented manner. In addition, they are to be further networked, professionalised and specialised through the creation of a network between higher education institutions and public and private sector partnerships supporting the dual system on the one hand, and a research centre for dual education on the other.

The Entrepreneurial School® is pleased to be able to contribute to these goals with its know-how.

Project reference: EU 618835-EPP-1-2020-1- KZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP

Visit of the project participants of

The visiting project participants of "KazDual" at the Technology Campus of the Entrepreneurial School®, together with study program director Werner Stadlmayr. ©MCI/Niederseer

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Prof. Dr. Werner Stadlmayr | Head of Technology & Life Sciences and Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Smart Building Technologies
Prof. Dr. Werner StadlmayrHead of Technology & Life Sciences and Head of Department & Studies
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