Invitation to Vomp: Corporate partner planlicht

Date 2023-05-31

Insights into lighting technology: Company partner planlicht invited to excursion to main site at Vomp

In order to deepen their practical experiences in the course "Lighting Technology I", the partner company invited the dual students of the class of 2021 to Vomp.

At the main location of the second generation family-run company, they were received by Managing Director Felicitas Kohler and welcomed with a breakfast. Afterwards, product manager Andreas Mühlthaler and Human Centric Lighting expert Miriam Döhner guided them through the individual areas.

One focus was on the tour of the in-house lighting laboratory. The study program thanks for the generous reception at the company.

<p>Product Manager Andreas Mühlthaler and Human Centric Lighting expert Miriam Döhner gave the students a tour of the company's Vomp site. ©MCI/Öttl</p>

Product Manager Andreas Mühlthaler and Human Centric Lighting expert Miriam Döhner gave the students a tour of the company's Vomp site. ©MCI/Öttl

<p>The study program expresses its sincere thanks to the management for the generous reception! ©MCI/Öttl</p>

The study program expresses its sincere thanks to the management for the generous reception! ©MCI/Öttl

<p>Rounding off the tour of the in-house lighting laboratory, Andreas Mühlthaler went into further detail about the product developments of the family-owned company in the showroom. ©MCI/Öttl</p>

Rounding off the tour of the in-house lighting laboratory, Andreas Mühlthaler went into further detail about the product developments of the family-owned company in the showroom. ©MCI/Öttl

<p>Product Manager Andreas Mühlthaler and Human Centric Lighting expert Miriam Döhner gave the students a tour of the company's Vomp site. ©MCI/Öttl</p>
<p>The study program expresses its sincere thanks to the management for the generous reception! ©MCI/Öttl</p>
<p>Rounding off the tour of the in-house lighting laboratory, Andreas Mühlthaler went into further detail about the product developments of the family-owned company in the showroom. ©MCI/Öttl</p>

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