SBT once again welcomed at iBT

Date 2023-11-10

SBT students visiting the iBT workspace | Insights into VR and AR applications
of modern construction management

The study program is pleased about the recent invitation to the Department of Construction Management, Construction Operations and Tunneling (iBT) at the University of Innsbruck.

This year, the course "Construction Theory" again offers students of the dual degree program "Smart Builidng Technologies" practical insights in a field trip format: The students of the cohort of 2023 of "Smart Building Technologies" were invited to the Technology Campus of the University of Innsbruck in preparation for their approaching graduation from the course.

Lecturers Larissa Schneiderbauer and Markus Gantner introduced them to their field of work there: After a joint discussion and Q&A session on their final projects, in which the students create a digital building model, the students were free to extensively test the technical equipment of the BIM Lab at iBT themselves and to virtually walk and design digital building models with their avatars.

At the Department of Construction Management, Construction Operations and Tunneling (iBT), students were able to gain insights into current developments in BIM and TIM beyond the course.

At iBT, BIM (Building Information Modelling) means using this integral working method as a tool to enable the interdisciplinary and collaborative implementation of construction projects. The work processes of the individual stakeholders in building construction remain the same; planning, construction and operation are accompanied by BIM throughout the life cycle. BIM as an integral and interlinking working method in construction management can therefore be used specifically to optimise the life cycle performance of buildings in the early project phases.

In the field of TIM (Tunnel Information Modelling), the University of Innsbruck is pursuing the goal of developing digital tools for the successful realisation of major civil engineering and underground construction projects, transferring them into construction practice and teaching them in a research-led manner as part of an endowed professorship of the same name.

Students learnt about various VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) technologies. By wearing VR goggles, the students were completely immersed in the virtual world and had the opportunity to experience the processes of tunnelling with a tunnel boring machine. The students experienced augmented reality, i.e. the interaction between the real and digital worlds, via their avatar function in the "Join XR" programme using AR glasses in a virtual meeting. This enabled them to jointly create digital models in the real environment.

The study program expresses its sincere thanks for the renewed invitation as well as the detailed insights into the work area and looks forward to the further years of cooperation.

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<p>Larissa Schneiderbauer and Markus Gantner (1st from right) introduced the students to AR and VR programs in their work area. © MCI-Öttl</p>

Larissa Schneiderbauer and Markus Gantner (1st from right) introduced the students to AR and VR programs in their work area. © MCI-Öttl

<p>Various perspectives and elements in the building visualisation - such as the temperature control - can be controlled and modulated using VR glasses. ©UIBK-Schneiderbauer</p>

Various perspectives and elements in the building visualisation - such as the temperature control - can be controlled and modulated using VR glasses. ©UIBK-Schneiderbauer

<p>Using the AR program ">

Using the AR program "Join XR", the students learnt about the avatar functions with the help of gesture control. ©MCI-Öttl

<p>In a VR simulation, they were also able to examine individual components in detail, trigger simple actions in the model and take on different perspectives of the elements using the glasses. ©MCI-Öttl</p>

In a VR simulation, they were also able to examine individual components in detail, trigger simple actions in the model and take on different perspectives of the elements using the glasses. ©MCI-Öttl

<p>The students were also able to explore various project simulations in the TIM area. ©UIBK-Schneiderbauer</p>

The students were also able to explore various project simulations in the TIM area. ©UIBK-Schneiderbauer

<p>The students were visibly enthusiastic about the new experience. ©MCI-Öttl</p>

The students were visibly enthusiastic about the new experience. ©MCI-Öttl

<p>Larissa Schneiderbauer and Markus Gantner (1st from right) introduced the students to AR and VR programs in their work area. © MCI-Öttl</p>
<p>Various perspectives and elements in the building visualisation - such as the temperature control - can be controlled and modulated using VR glasses. ©UIBK-Schneiderbauer</p>
<p>Using the AR program ">
<p>In a VR simulation, they were also able to examine individual components in detail, trigger simple actions in the model and take on different perspectives of the elements using the glasses. ©MCI-Öttl</p>
<p>The students were also able to explore various project simulations in the TIM area. ©UIBK-Schneiderbauer</p>
<p>The students were visibly enthusiastic about the new experience. ©MCI-Öttl</p>
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