Date 2023-12-01

Michael Larcher received the "Medallion for Excellence" award in the "Digital Construction 4.0" competition of SkillsAustria.

Michael Larcher gave his all in the "Digital Construction 4.0" competition with 3D building modeling using BIM. Photo: © SkillsAustria/Florian Wieser

For SBT student Michael Larcher, a first competition experience in the field of digital building construction came to a successful end: At AustrianSkills 2023, a competition organized and staged by SkillsAustria, Michael was awarded the "Medallion of Excellence" for his achievements in the competition category "Digital Construction 4.0".

In 2 1/2 intensive competition days, Michael dedicated himself to modeling a 3D building model using the integral method "Building Information Modeling" (BIM). In order to intelligently combine the individual elements in building planning, Michael focused on the area of ventilation systems, for example, using several simulation runs.

The "Digital Construction 4.0" competition is dedicated to information management in building construction projects with the help of digital building models - for example, BIM can be used to efficiently plan, control and coordinate collaboration for everyone involved in building planning. The participants focused on the coordination of different specialist areas - from architecture to building services, for example, the specialist discipline of "building coordination" was also represented, which is anchored in the dual study program "Smart Building Technologies" from the first semester onwards in courses and practical work at the partner companies of the dual study program.

At AustrianSkills 2023, young Austrian skilled workers from almost 50 professions were given the chance to secure a ticket for WorldSkills 2024 or EuroSkills 2025 in various competition categories. For example, Larissa Schneiderbauer, who supports Smart Building Technologies as a teacher, was also involved as an Austrian expert.At SkillsAustria 2023, young Austrian skilled workers from almost 50 professions were given the chance to secure a ticket for WorldSkills 2024 or EuroSkills 2025 in various competition categories. For example, Larissa Schneiderbauer, who supports Smart Building Technologies as a teacher, was also involved as an Austrian expert.

The degree program congratulates Michael on his dedicated competition performance and looks forward to accompanying him on his further professional development.

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Prof. Dr. Werner Stadlmayr | Head of Technology & Life Sciences and Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Smart Building Technologies
Prof. Dr. Werner StadlmayrHead of Technology & Life Sciences and Head of Department & Studies
<p>Michael (4th from left) was delighted to receive the ">

Michael (4th from left) was delighted to receive the "Medaillon for Excellence" for his perfomance in the three-day competition of AustrianSkills 2023. Photo: © SkillsAustria/Florian Wieser

<p>Visionary planning for the smart building: Michael devoted himself to working on various simulations for the intelligent installation and linking of ventilation systems, among other things. Photo: © SkillsAustria/Florian Wieser</p>

Visionary planning for the smart building: Michael devoted himself to working on various simulations for the intelligent installation and linking of ventilation systems, among other things. Photo: © SkillsAustria/Florian Wieser

<p>Planning (for) the future: in the ">

Planning (for) the future: in the "Digital Construction 4.0" competition category, young talents faced various technical challenges under time pressure. Photo: © SkillsAustria/Florian Wieser

<p>Michael (4th from left) was delighted to receive the ">
<p>Visionary planning for the smart building: Michael devoted himself to working on various simulations for the intelligent installation and linking of ventilation systems, among other things. Photo: © SkillsAustria/Florian Wieser</p>
<p>Planning (for) the future: in the ">
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