School of the Alm

Date 2021-07-07

How students of the Master's program "Entrepreneurship & Tourism" develop business plans for the School of the Alm

As part of a course in the 2nd semester, the Master's students applied their theoretical knowledge to create a business plan by presenting ideas and concepts for the "Schule der Alm" and discussing their results in front of the association members. "Schule der Alm" is an association that aims to promote Tyrolean Alms, biodiversity and landscape protection with the help of volunteers.  This created a win-win situation for the students, who were able to develop their problem-solving and entrepreneurship skills, as well as for the association, which received valuable input for the future of their strategy.

In the course of this project, very different ideas for the future development of the "Schule der Alm" emerged here. These included an online platform for coordination between active association members, former and future participants, customer loyalty programs for volunteers in the form of a loyalty pass, and further offers for deceleration in nature with authentic overnight accommodation in the valley or hikes with goats.

This year, the course was held online for the first time. This had the advantage that many association members could be connected to the presentations via video conference, which led to a lively exchange and exciting discussion. Due to the online format, the students were not able to actively experience the product "Schule der Alm" during the semester, but had a chance to visit Helga's Alm in the Valsertal at the end of the semester. Due to the relaxed schedule, it was even possible for the students to get hands-on with the scythe, get to know Helga's goats as well as the people behind the project in personal.

A detailed report and some ideas of the students can be found here

<p><em><em>The Master's students in the Vals Valley at the School of the Alm, Foto: MCI Tourism</em></em></p>

The Master's students in the Vals Valley at the School of the Alm, Foto: MCI Tourism

<p><em><em>The Master's students also learned traditional fence-building skills, Foto: MCI Tourismus<br /></em></em></p>

The Master's students also learned traditional fence-building skills, Foto: MCI Tourismus

<p><em><em>Landscape maintenance on the Alm, Foto: MCI Tourismus<br /></em></em></p>

Landscape maintenance on the Alm, Foto: MCI Tourismus

<p><em><em>The Master's students in the Vals Valley at the School of the Alm, Foto: MCI Tourism</em></em></p>
<p><em><em>The Master's students also learned traditional fence-building skills, Foto: MCI Tourismus<br /></em></em></p>
<p><em><em>Landscape maintenance on the Alm, Foto: MCI Tourismus<br /></em></em></p>
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