WING Students awarded with MCIdea4students price

Date 2022-08-01

The MCIdea4students Award of € 500.- goes to students from the Industrial Engineering and Management program.

The MCIdea4students Award this year is given to ideas and projects at the newly planned MCI Campus. Thought-provoking ideas for the design of interior spaces and recreational and meeting areas were requested. Among the numerous project submissions, the idea of Luca Beran, a student in the Bachelor's program in Industrial Engineering and Management, was convincing. His idea is based on making project rooms available to students on campus, which can be booked by the students themselves via the MCI online platforms. This makes it much easier for students to work in teams and carry out joint projects, while noise levels in general MCI meeting areas are greatly minimized.

On behalf of the Industrial Engineering and Management program, we would like to congratulate Luca Beran to this great idea!

We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the other two winners Johannes Grünwald and Stefan Ferge from the Mechatronics program.

<p>Luca Beran, Johannes Grünwald and Stefan Ferge at the award ceremony ©MCI</p>

Luca Beran, Johannes Grünwald and Stefan Ferge at the award ceremony ©MCI

<p>Luca Beran, Johannes Grünwald and Stefan Ferge at the award ceremony ©MCI</p>
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