Impressions of a semester abroad in Monterrey/Mexico

Date 2022-12-07

Philip Gerlach, Bachelor student of Industrial Engineering & Management, shares his unforgettable experiences

Philip Gerlach is a bachelor student of the Industrial Engineering & Management program at MCI and is currently spending his fifth semester abroad at the Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios de Monterrey (ITESM) University in Mexico. We asked Philip, how he was doing, and his response is just bursting with enthusiasm.

"I came to Mexico with hardly any expectations. The prevalence of crime made me feel uneasy at the beginning. So far, however, I have managed to avoid such unpleasant situations. In general, I would say that Mexico, especially Mexico City, is much safer than Mexicans themselves portray it abroad. However, what makes Mexico special and so attractive to me are the Mexican people. The people here are by far the friendliest, most open and helpful people I have ever met - given that I have been to many countries all over the world.

I got a very positive impression of the university institution, ITESM de Monterrey. With the new practice-oriented curriculum, I learned lots of new things. Lectures are set up on continuous and assessed homework and group projects with practical relevance.

Additionally, a learning report (evidencia) is mandatory for every course. The final exam is just one part of the grade. Due to the extraordinary practical relevance of the curriculum, I was always able to learn something new, even in courses similar to the ones I had already taken at MCI. For example, in a course on supply chain management and price optimization, we learned mathematical methods to precisely determine the best location for a distribution warehouse for different markets within a country (Gravity Method). Incoterms, a topic that we covered in a course, has impressed me a lot.

Not only the curriculum at ITESM is exciting, but also the hospitality and support of the university is authentic and excellent. Yesterday, there was a small graduation ceremony for us exchange students.

Mexican students performed traditional dances and music - an indescribable performance! The patriotism but also the criticism that Mexicans have for their country is admirable. Finally, I wanted to express my gratitude to MCI, especially the Department of Industrial Engineering & Management, for the experiences I've had here! I sincerely hope that the partnership with ITESM continues so that more people can have experiences similar to mine.

Here, I have learned how good it feels and how important it is to deal with each other in good will and friendship."

Dear Philip, thank you for sharing your experiences. We wish you all the best &  a wonderful time in Mexico.

<p><em>International students at ITESM campus. </em>©<em>Gerlach</em></p>

International students at ITESM campus. ©Gerlach

<p><em>Climging trip in Monterrey. </em>©<em>Gerlach</em></p>

Climging trip in Monterrey. ©Gerlach

<p><em>Closing ceremony with traditional dances and music. </em>©<em>Gerlach</em></p>

Closing ceremony with traditional dances and music. ©Gerlach

<p><em>International students at ITESM campus. </em>©<em>Gerlach</em></p>
<p><em>Climging trip in Monterrey. </em>©<em>Gerlach</em></p>
<p><em>Closing ceremony with traditional dances and music. </em>©<em>Gerlach</em></p>
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