June 09th 2016

MCI Graduate is 2016 Energy Manager

Award for innovative approaches to sustainable energy use goes to Roland Zankl, graduate of the "Corporate Energy Management" MCI course of studies

MCI alumnus Roland Zankl, sales director at Innsbruck Public Utilities (IKB), has been honored with an award for his achievements regarding innovative and efficient energy supply. Previously, he graduated from the MCI "Corporate Energy Management" course program. The prize was awarded by the IIR company (Institute of International Research).

As sales manager of the IKB “ProContracting” unit, Roland Zankl constantly faces the challenge of further developing innovative ideas and concepts that create benefits and win-win situations for the IKB and their customers and contribute to the sustainability of energy supplies.

He was able to win out over his rivals for the award of 2016 Energy Manager with two projects, both of which have sustainable energy use as a goal: one of the projects is a concept for the conversion to LED lighting in indoor and outdoor areas, which in the medium term not only reduces costs but also CO2 emissions. The second project deals with a type of energy generation and storage that works without any fossil fuels.

Award winner Roland Zankl is proud that his work meets with nationwide recognition. "I’d like to thank my employer, IKB, who are fully committed to future-oriented energy and infrastructure solutions. They thus provide me with the perfect environment for expanding my know-how a making a contribution with it. My special thanks go also to Management Center Innsbruck, whose course of studies on corporate energy management has provided me with valuable fundamentals and input and whose didactic concept reliably ensures the practical implementation of what has been learned."

Corporate Energy Management Course of Studies

In cooperation with the renewable energy cluster of Standortagentur Tirol (agency for the promotion of Tirol as a location for business and science), MCI offers the compact course on corporate energy management. The program provides application-oriented insight into how the energy use of companies can be improved in a very targeted manner by using sensible tools, techniques and methods.

The course includes nine days of attendance scheduled in the form of four blocks and is recognized by the energy efficiency monitoring agency as proof of qualification as an energy auditor. Successful graduates are supported by the "ecotirol" initiative with a scholarship of EUR 600.

Applications are accepted continuously.

Counselling & information:
Florian Hupfauf
+43 512 2070 2121

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