August 07th 2024

Social Work visits Tanzania

Research cooperation between the MCI Department of Social Work and the Institute of Social Work in Dar es Salaam

As part of the “Social Work and Sustainable Development” project, the Department of Social Work, represented by the Head of the department Belachew Gebrewold, senior lecturer Robert Koglek and teaching & research assistant Laura Feith González, visited the Institute of Social Work in Dar es Salaam. During their visit, they met the research consortium, exchanged ideas, compared results, and visited facilities in Dar es Salaam, Kisangara, and Zanzibar. The institutions visited included the SOS Children's Village International, various facilities for homeless young people and the elderly, as well as an internship partner of the department in Moshi.

A special highlight was the lecture by Belachew Gebrewold on the topic of “Global Partnerships or Africa in the Crossfire of Global Politics”. Students and colleagues from the Institute of Social Work took part and then engaged in lively discussions with representatives from the MCI Department of Social Work.

We look forward to welcoming our Tanzanian colleagues to MCI next year.