May 23rd 2024

Future-oriented master's program expanded with additional content

Updated curriculum in the master's program Food Technology & Nutrition starting in fall 2024

In fall 2024, students on the master's degree program in Food Technology & Nutrition can look forward to an updated curriculum that has been revised by experts from industry and science.

This involved implementing further and new developments in order to continue to offer students a structured, interesting, and future-oriented program that addresses current challenges.

Furthermore, interdisciplinary areas of food technology such as cosmetics and food supplements were integrated. In addition, the focus on (engineering)-technological content has been increased in the first year of study to enable students to specialize further. Some topics were regrouped and refocused. Students now also have the opportunity to choose an elective in the first semester, in addition to the existing ones of the second and third semesters. All changes have been linked to the core content of food technology and nutrition