September 25th 2023

10th Conference Proceedings of Mechatronics Master's Theses

MCI Department of Mechatronics publishes conference proceedings with abstracts of master's theses of 2023

Every year, many theses are written at universities, addressing current challenges with innovative and research-based approaches. The aim of the annual Master's Conference at the MCI Department of Mechatronics is to make the results and content of these theses accessible to a wide audience and  to promote exchange between science and industry.

Students present their theses at a public conference to provide an insight into their research activities. For the tenth time, the department of Mechatronics published proceedings containing papers of the respective master's theses to accompany this year's conference.

This year, the Mechatronics conference proceedings include a total of 24 scientific papers on the latest research topics in the field of mechatronics. Among others, the proceedings include topics like drone-based 3D mapping, machine learning algorithms, optimization of defibrillation electrodes or control systems for industrial robots.

You can either pick up the proceedings at the MCI Technology & Life Sciences Campus, or order it for free by sending your postal address to

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