September 06th 2023

New double degree option for industrial engineers

MCI and LIUC Università Carlo Cattaneo sign double degree agreement for master's students

To start off this fall semester, we are pleased to offer our first double degree program for our master's program in Industrial Engineering and Management.

The curriculum for the double degree was developed together with LIUC Università Carlo Cattaneo in Castellanza, Italy. As a result of many years of successful cooperation between LIUC and MCI, we are now able to offer our master's students in the department of Industrial Engineering and Management an exciting new opportunity with this double degree. On this occasion, Raffaella Manzini, director of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering of LIUC visited us at MCI in Innsbruck.

We are looking forward to the cooperation and to further strengthen the area of internationality within our master's program. We will soon inform our first-semester students about this new opportunity during an info session.

Thank you to Raffaella Manzini for visiting us at MCI in Innsbruck. We are looking forward to working with you!