Erasmus+ Project PIETE

Date 2019-05-16

Erasmus+ Project PIETE: European partnership aims at transmitting entrepreneurial skills within initial teacher education

In Fall 2018, the Erasmus+ Project PIETE "Partnership for Initial Entrepreneurship Teacher Education" has been established, which is carried out as Strategic Partnership between Management Center Innsbruck, Univations GmbH (Coordinator), University of Bielsko-Biała, University of Economics in Katowice, University of Szeged in Hungary, Pedagogical University Tyrol, and University Industry Innovation Network in Amsterdam.

The PIETE project aims to foster entrepreneurial skills and competence development in initial teacher education (ITE) at Higher Education Institutions. Experts in entrepreneurship work closely with ITE educators to efficiently strenghten entrepreneurial competence development within initial teacher programs in higher education.

Within the PIETE project MCI will be responsible for the establishment of the PIETE Teaching Compendium (IO4) and will together with the Pedagogical University Tyrol build a regional, inter-institutional tandem that guarantees the efficient implementation of PIETE resources in Tyrol. The teaching compendium which will be structurally aligned to the EntreComp Framework, provides ITE educators with a concise catalogue of curricular activities to enhance entrepreneurial competence and mind-set development within higher education pre-service teacher development programs.

To find out more about the project, please visit:
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The MCI PIETE-Team is more than happy to get in touch and to answer any further questions:
Desiree Wieser
Christine Pirhofer

<p><em>PIETE team: Kick-off meeting in Halle. Photo: Univations<br /></em></p>

PIETE team: Kick-off meeting in Halle. Photo: Univations

<p><em>PIETE team: Kick-off meeting in Halle. Photo: Univations<br /></em></p>
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