The Center for Social & Health Innovation (CSHI) is currently conducting an online panel survey to investigate potential social consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic. In the first wave, 1,024 Austrian individuals were surveyed, in which in addition to democratic-political and psycho-social aspects, also the socio-economic situation under the current effects of the crisis will be examined. Predefined demographic quotas were used based on Statistik Austria population data. The second wave is set to take place in June 2020. The data collection was implemented by Dynata, a private market research company. The study contains indicators on people’s information habits, their attitudes toward COVID-19 policies, their knowledge, and the fears related to the crisis. The results of the survey will be published and discussed on our CSHI blog.
For further information on the survey, please get in touch with us:
Dr. Raffael HeissLecturerCenter for Social & Health Innovation+43 512 2070 -
Lukas Kerschbaumer, BA MATeaching & Research AssistantCenter for Social & Health Innovation+43 512 2070 -
COVID-19 Follow-Up Study
The aim of this study is to describe potential forms of COVID-19 and to be able to estimate the number of possible infected people in circumscribed populations, since tests are not currently available for everyone. The online questionnaire, which was developed on the basis of the WHO symptom descriptions, should be filled out by as many people as possible every day. The questionnaire can either be filled out completely anonymously using an online survey or by registering the email address, or it can also be used to self-report the outcomes of hospitalized people. Validation using serological tests at a later point in time would be possible. A preliminary project has already been started in Vorarlberg.
For further information on the follow-up study, please get in touch with us:
Prof. Dr. Siegfried WalchHead of Department & StudiesCenter for Social & Health InnovationNonprofit, Social & Health Care ManagementInternational Health & Social ManagementEuropean Health Economics & Management (Eu-HEM)+43 512 2070 –
Medical University of Vienna:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. PhD Tanja StammHead of Institute for Outcomes
Medical University of Graz: Martin Sprenger, MPHScientific Coordinator of the postgraduate Master Program in Public
Medical University Innsbruck:
a.o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael SchirmerSpecialist in internal medicine /
Photo: Anna Shvets / Pexels
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