New research area "Health Tech"

Date 2020-05-14

The Entrepreneurial School® adapts research strategy and establishes a new research focus in the field of health and life sciences

Enabled by the establishment of the Master's program "Medical Technologies" and the resulting increase in know-how and resources in the field of health technologies, the new research focus "Health Tech" was established at the MCI.

On the one hand, it bundles the existing efforts of MCI researchers in this field and, on the other hand, expands the field of application to include new topics. These include assistive technologies, robotics in healthcare, technology-supported systems in sports, health and tourism and the field of eHealth.

If you also need scientific research in the field of health technologies, please contact:

a.o. Univ.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Alexander Hörbst, Bakk.techn.
Head of Department & Studies Medical Technologies
+43 512 2070 – 4410

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