Digital Dentures - Transport, recognition and picking system for individually manufactured dentures

Date 2020-07-30

Significant increase in the production rate of 3D printing or manufacturing centers

Dentures such as bridges and crowns can be offered more and more individually and cost-effectively using the latest CAx methods. For example, Using micro 3D scanners, the patient's dentition is recorded when visiting the dentist, the dentures are planned using surface retraction and commissioned in 3D printing or production centers. Here, the printing or milling programs are planned using CAM processes and the dentures are manufactured.

Since the individual bridges and crowns are visually very difficult to distinguish from one another, confusion or mixing of orders must be avoided. For this reason, the installation space of the printing or manufacturing centers cannot be fully used - the production rate drops and the price per denture increases.

The aim of this project, carried out in cooperation with WESTCAM Technologies GmbH, is the development of an innovative transport, detection and order-picking system for custom-made dentures. The core of the system is an optical detection system, which can differentiate between dentures supplied based on the CAD data mentioned above and assign them to customer orders. As a result, orders may be mixed during the printing or manufacturing process and the installation space of the cost-intensive machines can be fully used again.

For more information, please get in touch with:

Benjamin Massow
Lecturer Mechatronics & Smart Technologies
+43 512 2070 – 3924

<p><em>Photo: Alexandr Mitiuc - AdobeStock</em></p>

Photo: Alexandr Mitiuc - AdobeStock

<p><em>Photo: Alexandr Mitiuc - AdobeStock</em></p>
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