Successful completion of the project on “Socio-economic sustainability of family businesses in the Tyrolean Tourism: A future model for the early generation Y in the main source market Germany?

Date 2021-02-15

Family Business Center as a competent project partner

As part of the project, which was funded by the Tirolean Tourism Center, Prof. Dr. habil. Anita Zehrer (Head of Family Business Center) and Dr. Frieda Raich (Project Worker Family Business Center) examined in cooperation with the University of Innsbruck the special features of the family businesses in Tyrol for the Generation Y in the main source market Germany. A qualitative survey was conducted. Therefore, people born between 1980 and 2000 were asked about their values and relationships with family businesses in tourism.

The results show that the generation is a potential target group for family hotels in Tyrol. The special features of a family business can also be used for the further development of the offer. Tradition, loyalty to the guests and employees, regionality and authenticity contribute to differentiation, to building up competitive advantages and to strengthening customer relationships.

Prof. Dr. habil. Anita Zehrer is more than happy to get in touch and to answer any further questions:

Anita Zehrer
Professor Department Tourism & Leisure Business
Head of Family Business Center
+43 512 2070 – 7110

Prof. Dr. habil. Anita Zehrer (Head of Family Business Center) and Dr. Frieda Raich (Project Worker Family Business Center). ©MCI Tourism & Leisure Business

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