14th Research Forum of the Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences

Date 2021-05-17

MCI presents research results at the online forum on April 7th & 8th, 2021

The 14th research forum of the Austrian universities of applied sciences was carried out by the FHWien of the WKW. Due to the pandemic, the event took place in online format. The MCI was represented with a wide variety of topics and was thus able to contribute to the forum under the motto “Shaping the future responsibly”.

Panel „Energy, Environment & Mobility“

MCI researchers Lukas Möltner and Verena Schallhart, amongst others, took over the chair of the "Energy, Environment & Mobility" panel.

In addition to the introductory lecture on "20 years of electricity market liberalization in Austria - a subjective inventory with a view", in which Lukas Möltner was also involved, four further contributions from the Technology & Life Science Departments of the MCI were presented.

In-operando Wear Monitoring on Spark Plugs of Gas Engines

Michael Joham (PGES GmbH, Österreich), Günther Herding (PGES GmbH, Österreich), Dominik Mairegger (PGES GmbH, Österreich), Lukas Möltner (MCI), Ronald Stärz (MCI)

Michael Joham conducts research in the field of engine technology and emissions and presented results on the utilization of combustible gases in gas engines. In order to be able to draw conclusions about the state of wear of spark plugs, a measuring instrument is to be developed as part of a doctoral cooperation with the Vienna University of Technology, which determines the in-situ ignition voltage. The measurement is expected to be able to determine the service life and thus enable predictive maintenance.

Energetic use of organic residues and a solution to the problem of contaminants

Thomas Senfter (MCI), Benedikt Stern (MCI), Mathias Senn (MCI), Manuel Berger (MCI), Martin Pillei (MCI), Anke Bockreis (Universität Innsbruck), Wolfgang Rauch (Universität Innsbruck), Michael Kraxner (MCI)

Unwanted foreign substances often end up in organic waste. Examples of this are glasses, bones or cat litter that are carelessly disposed of in organic waste. A process has been developed at the MCI since 2014 to separate these foreign substances and thus enable the problem-free fermentation of biowaste. At the FFH research forum, Thomas Senfter presented the results of field tests in which the process was successfully tested on site by waste disposal companies.

Mixed-matrix membranes for removing micropollutants from drinking water and wastewater

Jan Back (MCI, Universität Innsbruck), Martin Spruck (MCI), Marc Koch (MCI), Simon Penner (Universität Innsbruck), Marco Rupprich (MCI)

Jan Back presented part of his research in the field of membrane technology. Medicines, industrial chemicals and other endocrine disruptors can cause extensive damage to fish cultures, even in low concentrations. However, current sewage treatment plants do not sufficiently break down these micropollutants. Mixed matrix membranes - a combination of membrane and activated carbon - offer a promising option for effectively removing these pollutants.

Modular High Power Density Integrated Motos with Fault Tolerance

Martin Schiestl (MCI), Maurizio Incurvati (MCI), Federico Marcolini (Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy), Lukas Wild (MCI), Federico Caricchi (Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy), Ronald Stärz (MCI), Fabio Giuliicapponi (Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy)

The use of drones in the transport of goods or people requires further development of the electric motors used. Martin Schiestl and other colleagues are therefore working out a concept to make the engines both more fail-safe and more powerful. Previous research activities have already made it possible to double the power density compared to similar engines. The research is based on the use of an axial flux motor, safe multi-phase design, compact construction and innovative semiconductor technology.

Panel "Tourism - Mass Phenomenon Between Digital Transformation and Classic Basic Need"

Towards Sustainable Tourism: Understanding Online Resistance against Tourism Development Projects

Philipp Wegerer (MCI), Monica Nadegger (MCI)

Philipp Wegerer and Monica Nadegger devoted themselves to the analysis of an online petition regarding the merger of the Pitztal - Ötztal glacier ski areas. The focus was on evaluating the motives of those involved. With a discourse analysis of the petition comments, different insights could be obtained. On the one hand, the central motive is the view of nature as a common good, which should be protected in the long term. On the other hand, the research results underline the social change and the growing desire in the population to act sustainably both globally and locally.

The research results have already been published in the Journal of Sustainable Tourism: Link

Panel “Ethical, Legal and Social Issues Escorting the Use of Technology”

Transparency and Engagement in Online Course Design: Analysis of Effectiveness and Student Perception

Wendy Farrell (MCI), Juliana Pattermann (MCI)

Wendy Farrell presented her research on the effectiveness of formative assessments in online teaching. Using static analysis, she was able to prove that a high level of participation in synchronous online sessions has a positive influence on the final grade of the course. Both the weekly direct feedback during the online teaching and the quantitative evaluation of the participation of students in polls during the online sessions served as the basis for the evaluation.

The evaluation of the research results was only carried out after the grading in order to rule out any distortion of the results. Formative assessments can be used not only in online teaching, but also in face-to-face teaching in order to offer students further opportunities to participate.

The blockchain in the music industry? - Power, legitimacy and urgency of key stakeholders.

Thomas Dilger (MCI), Marcel Gritsch (MCI), Christian Ploder (MCI), Reinhard Bernsteiner (MCI)

The research area Digital Transformation is dedicated to a dilemma in the music industry. Thomas Dilger spoke on behalf of the participating researchers on the power conflicts between the various players in the music industry. Streaming platforms have had a major impact on the music market in recent years and have shifted the balance of power. In the research work, the various stakeholders were analyzed and prioritized based on the determinants of power, legitimacy and urgency. Blockchain could be used to automatically integrate the problem of verifying copyright on the Internet. Exactly this approach also brings with it ethical questions. #opexagileaudit


The panel papers and the detailed program can be found on the FHWien of the WKW website: Link

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The 14th Research Forum of the Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences was held in April by FHWien of the WKW.

The 14th Research Forum of the Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences was held in April by FHWien of the WKW.

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