Digitalization of tacit knowledge – sustainable value creation through effective and practicable knowledge and competence management

Date 2022-04-06

Project on ‘Digitalization of tacit knowledge – sustainable value creation through effective and practicable knowledge and competence management’ was funded with the amount of €197,753.

Within the funding initiative ‘Lighthouse Projects in the Field of Digitalization’ of the State of Tyrol, Department of Business Location, Digitalization and Science, the project ‘Digitalization of tacit knowledge – sustainable value creation through effective and practicable knowledge and competence management’ was funded with the amount of €197,753,-.

The project deals with the challenges of individual and collective knowledge in companies and aims to support small and medium-sized Tyrolean enterprises in strengthening their competitive position and future viability through targeted digital knowledge management. Professor Dr. Antje Bierwisch, Professor and Head of the Department of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Foresight at the MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®, is responsible for the overall project management. At UMIT Tirol, the project is headed by Assistant Professor Dr. Margit Raich, who drafted the project proposal together with Professor Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Hillmer, Head of Department and Degree program Industrial Engineering at MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®, and his team.

Within the framework of the project, a structured procedure for companies will be elaborated in order to implement the development and transfer of relevant, in particular critical, knowledge on a company-specific basis. The project is about collecting the tacit knowledge relevant to the companies, identifying the central knowledge carriers or key employees and deriving recommendations for adequate procedures for the companies using digital tools in order to ensure continuous knowledge transfer. The project team at UMIT Tirol will also examine the effects of knowledge management on cooperation and the well-being of employees.

About the researchers:

Antje Bierwisch has been Professor and head of faculty for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Foresight at MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® in the Department of Business Administration Online since 2018. Prior to that, she was project manager/senior researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI in Karlsruhe for 10 years. Her research focuses on innovation management, organizational development and strategic foresight. Related questions include which future competencies will be needed at the individual and organizational level and how knowledge and competence management in organizations can contribute to this.

Margit Raich has been a research assistant at UMIT Tirol since 2010. She completed her business studies at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences at the University of Innsbruck and then worked with Prof. Hans H. Hinterhuber at the Institute for Strategic Corporate Management at the University of Innsbruck, where she also completed her doctorate. In the context of her post-doctoral thesis at UMIT Tirol, she is working on the influence of values on corporate processes and stakeholder relations, which is also relevant for knowledge management. In this project, she is contributing her expertise in the field of strategic management and employee leadership in particular.



Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Antje Bierwisch
Professor and Head of Faculty for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Foresight
+43 512 2070 – 4233


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Antje Bierwisch, Professor and Head of Faculty for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Foresight. Photo: © Antje Bierwisch

Antje Bierwisch, Professor and Head of Faculty for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Foresight at MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®. Photo: © Antje Bierwisch

Antje Bierwisch, Professor and Head of Faculty for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Foresight. Photo: © Antje Bierwisch

Assistant Professor Dr. Margit Raich. Photo: © UMIT Tirol


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