June 14th 2024

MCI Tourism Alumni Anniversary Reunion 2024

First MCI tourism anniversary class reunited after 20 years

As part of the MCI Alumni Weekend, MCI Tourism invited those graduates who completed their studies 20, 15, 10 and 5 years ago to the traditional anniversary event. This invitation was followed this year by over 70 alumni and alumnae, who came to the MCI Tourism campus last Friday after being welcomed by Rector Andreas Altmann.

After the guests had arrived, Head of Department Hubert Siller welcomed the alumnae and alumni, reported on current developments at MCI Tourism and praised the excellent cooperation with MCI graduates in the context of excursions, research projects and teaching. This was followed by some anecdotes about and from the graduates of the first diploma year, which started in 2000 and celebrated its 20th alumni anniversary this year. Prof. Anita Zehrer (Head of the MCI Family Business Centre) was also present.

At the subsequent get-together, which included a specially branded MCI sparkling wine, memories of their studies were refreshed and former fellow students discussed their professional careers.

Dear graduates: It was a pleasure to welcome you at the MCI Alumni Weekend and to celebrate this anniversary reunion with you in such a great way! We are already looking forward to the next anniversary reunion!