Research & Development

Research & Development

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In positioning itself as an Entrepreneurial School®, the MCI's research and development follows the principles set out in its Mission Statement

Research News

Research & Development

Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Through Photocatalysis
Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Through Photocatalysis
Start of the “Born-To-Degrade” research project
Intelligent Decision-Making in Surgery
Intelligent Decision-Making in Surgery
How data analysis can help inexperienced surgeons make better decisions
Young MCI Researchers Receive State Funding
Young MCI Researchers Receive State Funding
Seven exciting research projects at MCI receive the Tyrolean Young Researchers Grant 2024
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Research & Development at MCI

At MCI, research is seen as part of the social mission of universities to promote social and economic growth. Against this background, MCI strives for continuous quality improvement in teaching, involvement in and exchange with the academic community (publications in scientific journals, participation in and organization of conferences, etc.), and above all research relevance in practice.

Martin Pillei
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Pillei, BSc MSc Head of Research & Development
If you have any questions regarding Research & Development at MCI, please contact us:

Research at MCI is solution-oriented and positions itself at the intersection between theory and practice. It enables innovation to secure competitive advantages in the region. The entrepreneurial approach of MCI has paved the way for research to obtain a key role within the transfer of technology and know-how.

The international research orientation of faculty and students fosters the development of an international network of partners in science, economy and society. This strengthens the quality of research and provides access to the latest developments for corporate partners to meet technological and societal challenges prospectively.

Research competences at MCI focus on the latest societal, economic and technological issues and are clustered to become impactful research fields. The fields of research shown here are based on the current state of knowledge and are primarily interdisciplinary in nature in order that holistic solutions can be found.

Solution and result orientation is the central research approach, which is developed in cooperation with research and corporate partners in order to facilitate an economic and social impact. The knowledge transfer goal in this context is lived out in more than 150 projects carried out each year in close cooperation with clients and research partners, in order to ultimately enable employees to further develop in the area of applied R&D.

Moreover, MCI strives for an academic-theoretical impact in research. With over 1,000 scientific publications (journals, conference papers, reports, monographs, books, book chapters, etc.) per year, our researchers manage to secure a position in the academic community and contribute to a sustainable dissemination of research results.

Research Areas

Through their expertise, MCI lecturers and researchers contribute to technological, economic and social development. Research at MCI supports regional, national and international partners in their innovation activities to increase their efficiency and competitiveness. The research competencies at MCI are geared to the latest social, technological and economic challenges and are divided into research areas.

The research areas shown here are based on the current state of knowledge and are primarily concerned with interdisciplinary integration, so that holistic solutions can be taken. Last but not least, research at MCI serves as an inspiration for the lecturers, who pass on know-how and the current state of knowledge to the students.

Research & Transfer Centers

Strategically important topics are dealt with in the research and transfer centers for MCI. Within these centers, competence and know-how are created, bundled, further developed and made available to the economy and society. The common goal is to intensify the transfer of knowledge and technology between universities and business. In addition, sustainable, social and economic output is to be generated, which strengthens the competitiveness of the region. But international topics can also be investigated within the centers. Due to the continuous and direct exchange with business and industry, the research and transfer centers not only present research-relevant, but above all solution-oriented and application-oriented results. The top priority is always to provide the know-how and knowledge gained for society and the economy. The centers are integrated into the research areas mentioned above.

Cooperation Opportunities

MCI offers research cooperation and contract research opportunities.

Research cooperation

Research cooperation with other higher education institutors, firms and organizations foster the production of new knowledge, products, services or processes. We share our knowhow with our research partners. The benefit to our research partners and the creation of a win-win-situation for all parties involved is of particular importance to us. Research cooperations are often supported by national and international funding bodies such as FFG, TTFP, InterReg, Euregio, European Commission, etc.

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Contract Research

MCI carries out solution-oriented projects for national and international clients. We use our knowledge to contribute to society and to support the competitiveness of organizations, regions and the economy. Within predefined research fields, our researchers work on numerous projects, also with the support of our motivated students at times. Our clients profit from our first-class infrastructure, academic expertise and know-how in the field of management and technology (process optimization, innovation development, efficiency enhancement, prototyping, etc.).

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Endowed Professorship

You can also provide targeted support for research at MCI through endowed professorships. At the same time, the endowed professorship also makes it possible to promote a sustainable strengthening of Tyrol as a center of science and business cooperation. As a company, you benefit from close contact with the academic research community and can develop scientifically sound solutions to your company-related challenges.

Personal Consultation

Questions & Answers

What distinguishes research at the MCI?
  • Applied, business-relevant & solution-oriented
  • Collaboration with industry and economy
  • Societally relevant issues
  • Experienced & qualified staff & faculty
What types of cooperation with the MCI are there (for universities/companies/organizations)?
  • Research projects: Experienced scientists and project managers help companies and institutions to solve concrete problems in technical, social or economic fields. The project can be financed by public subsidies (e.g. FFG, Land Tirol) or by direct commissioning of a customer.
  • Research cooperation: Development of a strategic cooperation model in the form of an application-oriented competence center
  • In cooperation with other colleges and universities, our scientists work on current issues
  • Research within the framework of Bachelor & Master theses as well as in the framework of Practice Labs: our students work out different approaches to solving concrete problems within the framework of a course or a Bachelor / Master thesis.
What is a research & transfer center?

Strategically important topics are dealt with in the research and transfer centers for the MCI. Within these centers, competence and know-how are created, bundled, further developed and made available to the economy and society. The common goal is to intensify the transfer of knowledge and technology between universities and business.

In addition, sustainable, social and economic output is to be generated, which strengthens the competitiveness of the region. But international topics can also be investigated within the centers. Due to the continuous and direct exchange with business and industry, the research and transfer centers not only present research-relevant, but above all solution-oriented and application-oriented results. The top priority is always to provide the know-how and knowledge gained for society and the economy. The centers are integrated into the research areas mentioned above.

How can a research project be funded?
Funded projects

In the course of our research cooperation with other universities, organizations and companies, new knowledge is generated and the development of new products as well as services or processes is targeted. The research projects are supported by national and international funding agencies (Horizon Europe, Erasmus+, FFG, InterReg, Euregio, FWF, state programs).

Contract research

The MCI handles solution-oriented projects for national and international clients. Our researchers work on numerous projects within the defined research focus areas and are also supported by our motivated students. As a client, you benefit from our first-class infrastructure, our academic expertise and our economic and technical know-how (process optimization, innovation development, increased efficiency, prototyping, etc.).

Where can I find the right contact person for my request / question?


Maurizio Incurvati


Digital Transformation

Peter Mirski


Energy & Process Technologies

Martin Spruck


Family Business Management

Anita Zehrer


Fluids & Mechanics

Thomas Senfter


Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Marketing

Michael Razen


Food Science & Biotechnology

Katrin Bach


Innovation in Social & Health Services

Siegfried Walch


Health Tech

Bernhard Hollaus


Responsibility & Management

Markus Frischhut


Smart Production & Organization

Benjamin Massow



Hubert Siller


University, Output & Impact

Andreas Altmann


Which research projects is MCI currently involved in?

Every year, the MCI is involved in well over 100 research projects allocated to its research areas. A selection of news about the research projects can be found here.

Due to various prototype and new developments, some projects are protected from premature publication by nondisclosure agreements.

I would like to know more about research at MCI!

 For Technology & Life Sciences

FH-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Pillei, BSc MSc, Head of Research & Development       +43 512 2070 - 4100


For Business & Society

FH-Prof. PD MMag. Dr. habil. Anita Zehrer      +43 512 2070 - 7100