Energy & Process Technologies

Energy & Process Technologies

Technology & Life Sciences

Optimal use of resources is a key factor in sustainable development. The research focus is at the interface between energy and process engineering and addresses the wide range of issues arising from this. The focus is on energy supply and storage from biogenic raw materials and renewable sources, as well as on water with its characteristics of waste water, process water and drinking water.

The aim of the research area's projects is to develop innovative solutions and concepts for current and future challenges, often in cooperation with partners from industry and research.

Prof. Dr. Martin Spruck, MSc | Process Engineering Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Prof. Dr. Martin Spruck, MScProcess Engineering

If you have any questions regarding this research area, please contact us:

Biomass to power & heat

Bioenergy is one of the most important domestic sources of energy, reducing costly imports of natural gas and oil and making sustainable use of our own resources. Further strengthening of bioenergy requires the development of systems and facilities for the provision of electricity and heat from woody biomass. Not only is a decentralized, sustainable energy supply concept in the foreground, but also the maximization of the efficiency and above all the flexibility of the raw material used. In order to make complex biomass accessible in a way that is as efficient and consistent as possible, both the optimized storage to avoid substance losses and basic transformations of the materials are examined, as well as their drying, pelleting and valorization towards biochar.

Decarbonization & Hydrogen management

Climate change, caused by the anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases, is one of the greatest challenges we are currently facing. Greenhouse gas emissions must be drastically reduced in the coming years in order to preserve the natural basis of life. In the research field of Decarbonization & Hydrogen Management, sustainable solutions for the elimination of greenhouse gas emissions in industrial processes are being investigated in close cooperation with industry. Fossil energy sources that are currently used are being replaced by renewable, future-oriented alternatives. Due to local conditions, hydrogen as an energy carrier will increasingly become the focus of the energy industry in the Alpine regions. Accordingly, there is a great need for research in the field of hydrogen management in order to use this energy carrier as efficiently as possible.

Energy Distribution & Storage

While the development of alternative energy sources is often relatively difficult for the end user of heating and cooling, centralized plants can be operated with high efficiency and minimal pollutant or CO2 emissions. The research focus here is therefore the investigation and development of corresponding energy distribution and storage systems at different temperature levels as well as for different producer and consumer technologies.

Membrane technology & Water treatment

On the one hand, the research area Membrane Technology deals with the production and optimization of membranes for liquid and gaseous media and, on the other hand, with the application of membrane processes in technical processes. For new applications, there is often no in-house experience with membrane separation processes. The resulting questions regarding a suitable pore size, membrane material, operation mode, etc. can usually be answered by laboratory and pilot tests. The activities in water and wastewater treatment aim to further develop the underlying purification processes and reduce the necessary consumption of resources. To this end, established methods such as the activated sludge process or anaerobic sludge digestion in reactors are being optimized.

Building performance

Approximately one-third of primary energy is used in the construction and operation of buildings, including space heating and cooling, lighting, and many other applications. Thus, energy consumption in buildings represents a large portion of the use of energy sources, while the demands on building technology are constantly increasing. This research area pursues the reduction of energy consumption as well as the use of renewable energies in the entire building technology in close cooperation with the company partners. The focus is both on building energy efficiency as a whole and on the further development of the individual trades in particular, with digitalization and interconnection of the subareas playing a major role. The use of sustainable and energy-efficient technologies in buildings is subject to ongoing optimization, implementation and dissemination.

Prof. Dr. Martin Spruck, MSc | Process Engineering Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Prof. Dr. Martin Spruck, MScProcess Engineering
Dr. Jan Back, MSc | Senior Lecturer Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Dr. Jan Back, MScSenior Lecturer
 Dominik Bosch, MSc | Doctoral Student Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Dominik Bosch, MScDoctoral Student
Mag. Alexander Dumfort | Senior Lecturer Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Mag. Alexander DumfortSenior Lecturer
Dr. nat. techn. Sabrina Dumfort, BSc MSc | Senior Researcher Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Dr. nat. techn. Sabrina Dumfort, BSc MScSenior Researcher
Ing. Dr. Aldo Giovannini | Senior Lecturer Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Ing. Dr. Aldo GiovanniniSenior Lecturer
Prof. Dr. techn. Angela Hofmann | Process & Energy Engineering Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Prof. Dr. techn. Angela HofmannProcess & Energy Engineering
Assoc. Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Julian Huber | Automation & Data Science Bachelor's program Smart Building Technologies
Assoc. Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Julian HuberAutomation & Data Science
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Benjamin Hupfauf | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Benjamin HupfaufTeaching & Research Assistant
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Marc Koch | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Marc KochTeaching & Research Assistant
 Lukas Kurz, BSc MSc | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Lukas Kurz, BSc MScTeaching & Research Assistant
 Jana Marx, BSc MSc | Doctoral Student Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Jana Marx, BSc MScDoctoral Student
Prof. Dr. Michael Meister, MSc | Environmental Engineering Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Prof. Dr. Michael Meister, MScEnvironmental Engineering
Dott.ssa Mag. Barbara Messner | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelor's program Smart Building Technologies
Dott.ssa Mag. Barbara MessnerTeaching & Research Assistant
Dr. techn. Thomas Neuner | Project Assistant Bachelor's program Industrial Engineering & Management
Dr. techn. Thomas NeunerProject Assistant
 Tobias Niederkofler, BSc MSc | Doctoral Student Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Tobias Niederkofler, BSc MScDoctoral Student
Prof. Silvia Öttl, PhD | Energy Efficiency in Buildings Bachelor's program Smart Building Technologies
Prof. Silvia Öttl, PhDEnergy Efficiency in Buildings
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Pillei, BSc MSc | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Industrial Engineering & Management
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Pillei, BSc MScHead of Department & Studies
 Nina Viktoria Schaaf, B.Eng. MSc | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Nina Viktoria Schaaf, B.Eng. MScTeaching & Research Assistant
 Lucas Schuchter, BSc MSc | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Lucas Schuchter, BSc MScTeaching & Research Assistant
Prof. Dr. Werner Stadlmayr | Head of Technology & Life Sciences and Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Prof. Dr. Werner StadlmayrHead of Technology & Life Sciences and Head of Department & Studies
 David Weilguni | Project Assistant Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
David WeilguniProject Assistant

VerStraGem - Nachhaltige Verwertung von Gemüsereststoffen im Tiroler Kontext

2020 - 2022

Thomas Hämmerle, BSc, MSc
Nina Viktoria Schaaf, B.Eng. MSc
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Benjamin Hupfauf

Maximilian Pupp, BSc, MSc

Claudia Schütz, MA

DI (FH) Clemens Mair, MSc

Pascale Rohrer, MSc

Mag. rer. soc. oec Peter Zaggl

Rosa Wagner, BSc, MSc

Sabrina Schrettl, BA

Dipl.Ing. Katharina Schreck, BEd

The aim of the project is to investigate the vegetable residues occurring in Tyrol. Various scenarios for possible recycling options are then examined. The entire investigation is essentially intended to provide a basis for decision-making as to which concepts can use the resources of the vegetable residues most effectively. The vegetable residues accumulate during the processing of the fresh harvest on the farm or are rejects that are not suitable for the food trade. They clearly distinguish themselves from classic organic residues and waste materials. At the moment, only estimates can be made of the amount of these currently unused vegetable residues in Tyrol.

Tiroler Gemüsebauern
Sonstige Inland
Agrarmarketing Tirol
Unternehmenssektor Inland
Landwirtschaftskammer Tirol
Öffentlicher Sektor Inland
Wirtschaftskammer Tirol
Öffentlicher Sektor Inland
Abfallwirtschaft Tirol Mitte GmbH
Unternehmenssektor Inland


2017 - 2019

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Benjamin Hupfauf

Thomas Hämmerle, BSc, MSc

The aim of the project is the recovery of waste wood in SynCraft wood gasification plants. The focus of the processing is on wood casings and wood packaging, which can be identified as a substitute fuel, if possible, the current old wood recycling regulation. Different processing options for recycling in SynCraft plants are to be investigated for the waste wood fractions mentioned. In particular, these are different hacker and shredder technologies (reprocessing lines for waste wood).


2018 - 2019

Dr. nat. techn. Sabrina Dumfort, BSc MSc

René Nußbaumer, BSc, MSc

During storage of hay and wood chips, self-heating occurs due to biodegradation processes, which can result in self-ignition under unfavorable storage conditions. The PiCo-PileCommunication project will prepare for the development of an early-warning system based on the analysis of gas composition of bulk solids. Contrary to conventional smoke detectors, this system should set the alarm before the actual ignition. The project will investigate the underlying mechanisms of auto-ignition and measure the gases released during these processes. On the basis of these laboratory experiments, it is possible to define lead substances that signal impending spontaneous combustion.

Optimierung, Wissensvertiefung Prozessstufe Pyrolyse – PyTail

2021 - 2023

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Benjamin Hupfauf

David Weilguni

Michael Kresta, BSc MSc

Jascha Keifenheim, BSc, MSc

Syncraft Engineering GmbH is continuously developing the product "das HolzkraftWerk" and, together with the MCI and the company Gallzeiner Luft-, Staub- und Abgastechnik GmbH, forms the project consortium for the "PyTail" project (pyrolysis detail), which is funded by the Tyrolean innovation fund. Here, the thermochemical process of pyrolysis in a Syncraft system is to be examined in more detail. If complete conversion does not take place in this process stage and the thermochemical reactions are "dragged out", this situation can lead to a considerable deterioration in the gas quality, which subsequently affects the downstream components, such as gas scrubbers and gas engines. In addition, the quality of the discharged condensate and the by-product, the charcoal, can be negatively influenced. In the course of the project, the following points will be examined in detail and their application will be optimized if necessary. - Mechanical conveying properties o Reactor filling level; Material backflow - influencing factors o Material residence time - in the reaction area and throughout the reactor o Material distribution in the reaction space - thorough mixing o Material changes due to material conveyance o When using different materials (natural wood, biogenic raw and residual materials) - Reaction properties o Variants of the reaction zone o Execution (material; steel, refractory cement) of the reaction zone o progress of reaction (degree of pyrolysis) - Influence of material o What changes occur if different biomasses are used? o Are there any problems with agglomerations? o Are there any problems with ash softening / sintering?

Josef Ressel Zentrum für die Produktion von Pulveraktivkohle aus kommunalen Reststoffen

2020 - 2025

FH-Prof. Dr. techn. Angela Hofmann
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Benjamin Hupfauf

Josef Haselwanter, BSc

Christof Renner, BSc MSc

Michael Kresta, BSc MSc

David Gurtner, BSc MSc

Matthias Deutsch, MSc

Dr. Jan Back, MSc

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jan Krueger

Christian Margreiter

René Nußbaumer, BSc, MSc

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Marcel Bernard Huber

Jascha Keifenheim, BSc, MSc

Nina Viktoria Schaaf, B.Eng. MSc

Werner Marktl, BSc

David Weilguni

Martin Gasser, BSc, MSc

Corinna Briechle, B.Eng. MSc

Patrick Götz

Dominik Bosch, MSc

Dr. nat. techn. Sabrina Dumfort, BSc MSc

As part of the project, powdered activated carbon from municipal residues is to be treated in order to achieve functionalization for specific applications. One approach focuses on in-situ functionalization: by adjusting the process parameters during gasification, the properties of the powder carbon can be changed in order to obtain activated carbon with a larger surface area. The second approach is to improve the charcoal's properties by treating it in an external reactor using various methods such as chemical impregnation and / or steam treatment. The functionalized powdered activated carbon can be used in municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), for example for the pretreatment of highly polluted wastewater, for the stabilization of digester gas processes or to improve the digested sludge properties (drainability). With a view to the expected introduction of a fourth cleaning stage in WWTPs, powdered activated carbon can be used as an adsorbent for drug residues and other micropollutants in wastewater.

Gemeindewerke Telfs
Unternehmenssektor Inland

H2Alpin - Roll-out der Wasserstoffmobilität im alpinen Raum

2022 - 2025

Lucas Schuchter, BSc MSc
FH-Prof. Dr. Martin Spruck, MSc

Anna Holzknecht, B.Sc.

FH-Prof. Dr. Oliver Som

FH-Prof. Dr. Sabrina Schneider

For alpine regions, the mobility of the population and in tourism, goods and transit traffic represent major challenges in climate protection. In recent years, Tyrol has prepared strategy papers that also focus on hydrogen as an energy source in heavy goods traffic and public transport. In order to implement these strategies sustainably, an integrative approach is needed to solve technical, economic and organizational challenges together. It is precisely these three topics that H2Alpin is addressing in order to develop system solutions for the mobility turnaround in the Alpine region in a large-scale interdisciplinary demonstration project. With regard to fuel cell vehicles, there are already urban pilot projects, but for alpine use there is still a lack of important technical experience to further develop the vehicles and to define an application optimum for hydrogen-powered mobility. As part of H2Alpin, fuel cell buses and the first fuel cell trucks are tested under alpine conditions (temperature extremes, snow, winding mountain roads, transit passes) and real data on driving behavior, maintenance, energy consumption, etc. is collected and analyzed. Economic efficiency is still the biggest hurdle for the switch to hydrogen-powered mobility. The procurement of vehicles is difficult for end users to afford. Therefore, business models for procurement platforms are developed and tested. They procure vehicle pools, maintain them and make them available to third parties via a rental model. The Tyrolean mobility coordinator will implement this for local public transport, a private company for the goods logistics sector. In order to be able to offer additional attractive hydrogen prices on the market, the hydrogen logistics side should use demand and production simulations to design attractive supply-demand price models for sales.To ensure a green hydrogen supply for a comprehensive mobility turnaround in the heavy-duty area in Tyrol, it is necessary to develop precise simulation models, e.g. up to 2035, that map all relevant factors for a gradual switch to zero-emission mobility. The regional implementation plan, which is being developed in consultation with stakeholders and taking into account current and future standards, is intended to help give both hydrogen producers and users planning security for their business models. With the measures initiated as part of the H2Alpin project, hydrogen-based mobility in Tyrol should save around 17,700 tons of CO2 by the end of 2030.

Tirol 2050 Speicher - Phase I

2020 - 2021

FH-Prof. Dr. techn. Angela Hofmann

Thomas Hämmerle, BSc, MSc

In accordance with international and national requirements, the state of Tyrol has set itself the goal of becoming energy self-sufficient by 2050 and covering the energy required in the state with domestic energy sources. The "Resource and Technology Use Scenarios Tyrol 2050" study shows that the annual balance of the energy target 2050 in Tyrol can be achieved in Tyrol using domestic resources and using current and future technologies. The study shows three limit value scenarios as well as an energy mix scenario, which was calculated taking into account a balanced use of energy sources. It has been shown in all scenarios that electricity will be the most important energy source in the future and that its importance will increase significantly compared to today. Future energy systems with a high proportion of renewable energy sources are, however, confronted with the only limited controllable generation of electricity and heat by solar systems (photovoltaics and solar thermal energy), wind energy and hydropower as well as the fluctuating demand for electricity and heat.

Stadtwerke Schwaz GmbH
Unternehmenssektor Inland

AFB–Advanced Functionalisation of Biochar - Regionale, nachhaltige Bereitstellung von Aktivkohle als Koppelprodukt eines modernen Holzkraftwerks

2018 - 2020

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Benjamin Hupfauf

Thomas Hämmerle, BSc, MSc

Dr. Jan Back, MSc

Michael Kresta, BSc MSc

David Gurtner, BSc MSc

Josef Haselwanter, BSc

Jascha Keifenheim, BSc, MSc

The activation of coals is nothing new per se and is carried out on a large scale. However, the problem is the currently used tonnages in the respective processes. Most of the coal is activated by rotary kilns with minimum throughputs of 10,000 t a-1. Since SYNCRAFT wood-fired power plants currently produce a maximum of 400 t of a-1 charcoal as a by-product of regionally sourced forest residue, the technology of rotary kiln activation can not be used due to the high activation costs. Thus, concepts must be developed that allow an ecological and economic "small scale activation". Furthermore, this technology can be used to produce a regionally regenerated activated carbon which spares the necessary resources, which usually have to be imported. In addition, according to the Ithaca Institute, 3.5 to 5 t of hard coal or 5 to 6.5 t of lignite are required to produce one tonne of activated carbon, which generates an average of about 11 - 18 t of CO2 emissions. However, the market demands a wide range of carbons with different specifications (BET, BJH, shape, coatings, ...).

TiHoB – Tiroler-Holzkohle-Bindemittel – Regionale, nachhaltige Herstellung von Holzkohle-Briketts und Pellets durch Verwendung eines innovativen Bindemittels

2018 - 2020

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Benjamin Hupfauf

Thomas Hämmerle, BSc, MSc

A primary problem of energy producing systems using wood or char is the accumulation of fine dust and ashes. The binding and disposal of these substances is complicated and costly. If anything high-quality products from the food industry such as sugar cane, potato or corn starch currently used for binding. In this project a different approach should be chosen. 100 % recycled waste fats and oils in combination with clay minerals should provide a basis for compressing the dusts and ashes. The aim is to bind char, ashes and dusts for further use in the industry, but also to the production of food-compliant BBQ-char from charcoal and ash using recycled raw materials.

Activated Membrane

2020 - 2022

Dr. Jan Back, MSc

Nick Kachelriess, BSc

Activated Membrane - Preparation and Optimization of Hybrid-Membranes with Embedded Activated Carbon for Micropollutant Removal Pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals and other hormone-active substances, even in low concentrations in the μg to ng/L range, can cause harm to aquatic ecosystems, including infertility and feminization of entire fish cultures. If drinking water is produced from these waters, damage to humans cannot be ruled out. Since current wastewater treatment plants do not sufficiently degrade these micropollutants, research is conducted on various micropollutant removal methods. The combination of adsorptive processes with membrane separation is rated as particularly promising. In this project, a novel combination is to be investigated in which activated carbon is embedded directly into the membrane matrix of phase inversion membranes, thus enabling a one-step process of adsorption and membrane filtration. This "Activated Membrane" will first be tested and optimized under laboratory conditions with selected micropollutants, in order to subsequently test the separation efficiency with real wastewater samples. Other important issues are the regeneration of the hybrid membrane after loading and the fouling properties. "Activated Membrane" could be a promising concept for the elimination of micropollutants and, eventually, for reducing the environmental impact of wastewater treatment plant effluents.

Kaltmodel - Simulation und Validierung der Strömungstechnischen Verhältnisse in einem Schwebefestbettreaktor

2020 - 2022

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Benjamin Hupfauf

Nina Viktoria Schaaf, B.Eng. MSc

Jascha Keifenheim, BSc, MSc

Josef Haselwanter, BSc

Manuel Berger, BSc MSc PhD

FH-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Pillei, BSc MSc

The aim of the project is to use a cold model of the floating fixed bed reactor to make the SYNCRAFT® more efficient and economical. By means of tests on a medium and small scale, bad investments can be prevented, since possible errors occurring in the theoretical test development can be detected early. Current and above all future operators of such gasification plants have a great interest in being flexible in the area of fuel use (wood chips of different quality, waste wood, straw-like input materials, ...). To achieve this, it is necessary to make adjustments to the system, which relate, among other things, to the fluidized bed reactor. Furthermore, the basis should be laid to develop a defined degree of freedom with which the systems are able to achieve a higher electrical output.

OptiFaul - Steigerung der Energieeffizienz von Kläranlagen durch eine optimierte Faulraumdurchmischung

2019 - 2022

FH-Prof. Dr. Michael Meister, MSc

FH-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Pillei, BSc MSc

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Marc Koch

Dr. techn. Thomas Neuner

Major objective of the project OptiFaul is to reduce the needed energy demand in digestion towers. Scientific interest of fundamental understanding on the one hand as well as economics aspects on the other hand are the driving forces to optimize mixing process in such reactors. Since sludge found in digestion reactors differs from Newtonian fluids such as water, acquired findings from wastewater treatment may not be used directly. Therefore, investigations considering this certain fluid characteristics are required. The present project has a highly practical value since reducing energy demand has direct impact on operating costs. Because of structural aspects as well as the nature of sludge, visual monitoring of mixing efficiency is not possible. Hence, the needed amount of inserted energy through mixing is generally exceeded. Process parameters for optimized operation gathered in this project are compared with actual parameters of nearby wastewater treatment plants. Hence, it is expected that plant operators are directly benefiting from the results.

MemComPolice - Einsatz von Membran-Kombinationsverfahren als Polizeifilter in der Trinkwasseraufbereitung

2023 - 2024

Dr. Jan Back, MSc

Clean water is essential for human health, ecosystems and economic development. However, the security of drinking water supplies is threatened by anthropogenic influences: on the one hand, rising ambient temperatures increase the risk of microbial contamination of drinking water networks. On the other hand, perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds (PFAS) have been proven to pose extreme environmental and health risks. To overcome these problems, membrane technologies and adsorption processes with activated carbon are indispensable methods - however, these must be designed appropriately and sustainably. In this project, multi-channel mixed-matrix membranes are to be tested as a single-stage multi-barrier system for their applicability in various drinking water treatment scenarios. These membranes are characterized by their robustness and use synergies between filtration and adsorption steps. They therefore have potential for use as police filters at the end of drinking water treatment, where residual germs are to be separated, microbial recontamination avoided and PFAS adsorbed on embedded activated carbon. Important issues include the separation efficiency of PFAS and germs, the adsorption competition with natural organics and the process design including backwashing and regeneration after loading. Translated with (free version)

EHIL - Einsatz von Holzkohle in der Industriellen Landwirtschaft

2019 - 2022

Nina Viktoria Schaaf, B.Eng. MSc
Thomas Hämmerle, BSc, MSc
Andreas Walter, PhD
Mira Mutschlechner, Bakk. Biol. MSc
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Benjamin Hupfauf

Nataly Knöpfle, BSc MSc

Gregor Plangger, BSc, MSc

Thomas Klammsteiner, PhD

Felix Kurzemann, MA

Dr. nat. techn. Sabrina Dumfort, BSc MSc

Alina Kefer, BSc MSc

The aim of the project is the practical co-composting of charcoal and the application of this soil mixture in industrial agriculture. To achieve this goal, several sub-goals are pursued in the project, i.a. Production of various final formulations and application of these on trial areas in order to observe the effects on plant growth and chemical as well as microbiological changes of the soil.

HighCon - Erhöhung des Holzkohleumsatzgrades im Vergasungssystem

2020 - 2022

Nina Viktoria Schaaf, B.Eng. MSc
René Nußbaumer, BSc, MSc

Michael Kresta, BSc MSc

David Gurtner, BSc MSc

Thomas Hämmerle, BSc, MSc

Quan Nguyen

With the technology of the "gasification" of biomass, a complete conversion of the carbon in the biomass can theoretically be achieved, but in practice this is technically and economically not expedient due to the long residence times required for this. The process used by SYNCRAFT® leaves about 10-15% by volume of charcoal. This charcoal can be a high-quality product that is generated alongside the main products of electricity and heat. If it is possible to increase the degree of conversion of the "excess coal" in a targeted manner and as required, the efficiency of the entire system can be increased, thus making a significant contribution to overall profitability. In addition, the quality of the charcoal in SYNCRAFT® wood power plants is a unique selling point. With the planned measures to increase the degree of conversion of the charcoal in the gasification system, on the one hand the electrical power can be increased and on the other hand the quality of the charcoal can be increased in such a way that it corresponds to EBC feed quality at all times (<4mg PAK 16). Another advantage is that the increase in electrical power and the increase in charcoal quality should be carried out with the same biomass use.


  • Marx, J., Back, J., Netzer, F., Pham, T., Penner, S., Bakry, R., Spruck, M., Comprehensive characterisation of multi-channel mixed-matrix membranes and impact of water matrix variability on micropollutant removal, Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 10 (2024),
  • Marx, J., Back, J., Hoiss, L., Hofer, M., Pham, T., Spruck, M., Chemical Regeneration of Mixed-Matrix Membranes for Micropollutant Removal from Wastewater, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 95, No. 9 (2023),
  • Patent: EP3897931: Verfahren zur Abtrennung von Spurenstoffen. Marc Koch, Martin Spruck, Marco Rupprich, Jan Back, Marcus Rauter. 2024
  • J. Back, B. Hupfauf, A. Rößler, S. Penner, M. Rupprich. Adsorptive removal of micropollutants from wastewater with floating-fixed-bed gasification char. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2020, 8(3), 103757.
  • Meister, Michael; Rauch, Wolfgang (2016): Wastewater treatment modelling with smoothed particle hydrodynamics. In: Environmental Modelling & Software 75, pp. 206 - 211.
  • D. Bosch, L. Nohel, J.v. Varnbüler, J.O. Back, A. Hofmann, and A. Bockreis. One-Step Activation of Residual Wood for Activated Carbon Production – A Contribution to the Circular Economy. In: Tagungsband, 13. Wissenschaftskongress Kreislauf- und Ressourcenwirtschaft, am 15. und 16. März 2024 an der Technischen Universität Wien. Bockreis et al. (Hg.). innsbruck university press, 2024.
  • B. Hupfauf, T. Hämmerle, M.Lepuschitz (2016). Plant growth tests and the issue of the analysis of PAHs with biochar from gasifier plants. Energy Procedia, 93, 9-13. doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2016.07.142
  • J. Back, R. Brandstätter, M. Spruck, M. Koch, S. Penner, M. Rupprich. Parameter Screening of PVDF/PVP Multi-Channel Capillary Membranes. Polymers, 2019, 11(3), 463.
  • D. Bosch, L. Rendl, F. Plangger, A. Hofmann, and G. Langergraber (2021): Chemical Activation of Biochar with H3PO4 - A Comparison between Two Reactor Types. In: Chemical Engineering Transactions (86), S. 1–6. DOI: 10.3303/CET2186001.
  • D. Bosch, J. O. Back, D. Gurtner, S. Giberti, A. Hofmann, and A. Bockreis, “Alternative feedstock for the production of activated carbon with ZnCl2: Forestry residue biomass and waste wood,” Carbon Resources Conversion, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 299–309, 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.crcon.2022.09.001
  • M. Spruck, W. Stadlmayr, M. Koch, L. Mayr, S. Penner, M. Rupprich. Influence of the coagulation medium on the performance of poly(ether sulfone) flat-sheet membranes. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015, 132, 41645.
  • J. Marx, D. Rattinger, J.O. Back and M. Spruck. Mixed-Matrix Membranes on the way to Multi-Layer Membranes. In: Book of Abstracts, 18th Minisymposium 2024, TU Graz (Ed.). Graz. Austria
  • T. Niederkofler, A. Giovannini, and R. Lackner, "Impact of elevated water vapor pressures on the dehydration reaction of magnesium sulfate hexahydrate in thermochemical energy storage," Journal of Solid State Chemistry, p. 125217, 2025, doi: 10.1016/j.jssc.2025.125217.


  • T. Hämmerle, B. Hupfauf (2019, September). Effect of co-composted charcoal from gasifier plants on plant growth, nutrient uptake and soil fertility. Presented at ECI Conference Biochar II: Production, Characterization and Applications, Cetraro, Italy
  • J. Back, A. Hofmann. Aktivkohle aus kommunalen Rest- und Abfallhölzern und Anwendung in der Wasserrreinhaltung. Presentation at DWA AG KA-8.6 "Aktivkohle" - Expertengespräch, 2024, Kassel, Germany.
  • Hofmann A., Neuner R., Bekerthy F., Thaler R.: "Modelling low temperature gasification strategies in a floating fixed bed reactor with an ASPEN-Plus-based simulation tool SBR-Sim 3.0", ICREN 2018, Barcelona
  • Bachmann, C., Groth, J., Patschg, P., Praxmarer, S., Senn, P., Unterhofer, H., Back, J., Möltner, L., Heizungs- und Warmwasserauslegung für ein Mehrparteienhaus mit Wärmepumpe und Photovoltaik Unterstützung. 2023, Poster presentation at 16. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen (FFH), 19.-20.4.2023.
  • M. Spruck, J. Back, M. Koch, M. Pillei, PES and PVDF mixed matrix multi-channel capillary membranes for the removal of diclofenac, Oral Presentation at ICOM2020 – 12th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, 7-11 December 2020, Online
  • J. Back, B. Hupfauf, T. Hämmerle, R. Nussbaumer, A. Hofmann, M. Rupprich, A. Rößler, S. Penner, S. Martini. Industrial Application of Biochar and Charcoal: A Case Study of Gasification Char in Micropollutant Adsorption. Presentation at CEBC - 6th Central European Biomass Conference, Workshop Biochar, 2020, Graz, Austria.
  • P. A. Patschg, T. Niederkofler, A. Giovannini, and R. Lackner, "Investigation of a thermochemical storage system for the use of solar energy in domestic applications," in The 16th IAE EST CP International Conference on Energy Storage, Lyon, 2024.
  • T. Niederkofler, G. Ellemund, V. Schallhart, A. Giovannini, and R. Lackner, "Herstellung und Charakterisierung keramischer Matrixmaterialien mit hierarchischem Porensystem für die thermochemische Energiespeicherung," in 16. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, St. Pölten, 2023.
  • T. Niederkofler, D. Schiestl, A. Giovannini, and R. Lackner, "Design and evaluation of a thermogravimetric analysis-based setup for thermochemical energy storage material testing," in 17. Minisymposium Verfahrenstechnik und 8. Partikelforum, Wien, 2023.
  • Meister, Michael (2020): Development and application of smoothed particle hydrodynamics for wastewater treatment and water management. 38th IAHR World Congress (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research) - "Water - Connecting the World", Panama, 04. September 2019.
  • J. Marx, D. Rattinger, J.O. Back and M. Spruck. Mixed-Matrix Membranes on the way to Multi-Layer Membranes. 18th Minisymposium 2024. Graz. Austria


Energy & Process Technologies

Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Through Photocatalysis
Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Through Photocatalysis
Start of the “Born-To-Degrade” research project
MCI professorship to Martin Spruck
MCI professorship to Martin Spruck
The Entrepreneurial School® confers professorship to Dr. Martin Spruck, MSc
Technology & Life Sciences forum
Technology & Life Sciences forum
Experts from the energy sector meet at MCI for a exchange of facts
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