

Management & Society

As an Entrepreneurial School®, entrepreneurship research plays a special role at MCI. The research focus "Entrepreneurship" bundles the interdisciplinary research activities at our university. The "Entrepreneurship" research specialisation is dedicated to the investigation and promotion of entrepreneurial thinking and action in various economic and social contexts. Our research is characterised by an interdisciplinary approach that closely combines academic knowledge and practical application in order to develop sustainable entrepreneurial solutions.

The research results obtained flow directly into the entrepreneurial training of our students and are made available to our partners and stakeholders in transfer activities. At the same time, we actively involve students, partners and stakeholders in research projects.

The focus is on practice-oriented approaches that combine applied research and teaching. Our research activities cover three central areas:

The individual Level - Entrepreneurial Skills and Competences of tomorrow

This area focusses on the development of future-oriented skills that are crucial for entrepreneurial activity and the successful achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. These include futures literacy, financial literacy, systemic and critical thinking, creativity and improvisation techniques in entrepreneurial education, as well as digital skills and entrepreneurial decision-making. In addition to researching the content of these topics, we are working on transferring and embedding these entrepreneurial future skills in the training curricula of young people and future specialists and managers.

The corporate Level - Innovation & future-oriented Business Development

Here, we research the organisational and strategic foundations of innovation management, corporate entrepreneurship and start-ups. This includes innovative digital and sustainable business models, the integration of artificial intelligence into entrepreneurial processes and the identification, development and anchoring of future-oriented competences in companies and start-ups. Our research also focuses on the organisational determinants of creativity and innovation in family businesses and corporations.

The systemic Level - Entrepreneurial & Innovation Ecosystems

We research the development and dynamics of entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystems in order to better connect start-ups, investors and established companies and to support the innovation and competitiveness of transregional ecosystems (e.g. in the Alpine region). This also includes analysing relevant funding landscapes and designing new policy approaches for start-up, innovation and technology policy at regional, national and international level.

The research focus is actively involved in international networks to ensure scientific excellence:

Prof. Dr. Oliver Som | Innovation & Technology Management Master's program International Business & Management
Prof. Dr. Oliver SomInnovation & Technology Management

If you have any questions regarding this research area, please contact us:

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Antje Bierwisch | Management, Strategy & Innovation Bachelors's program Business Administration / online
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Antje BierwischManagement, Strategy & Innovation
 Florian Blösl, BA MA | Lecturer Bachelor's program Business & Management
Florian Blösl, BA MALecturer
Dr. Daniel Degischer | Senior Lecturer Bachelor's program Management & Law
Dr. Daniel DegischerSenior Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Christoph Engl | Business Administration | Entrepreneurship Bachelor's program Tourism Business Studies
Prof. Dr. Christoph EnglBusiness Administration | Entrepreneurship
Dr. Natacha Estèves | Project Manager COMPASS Ulysseus European University
Dr. Natacha EstèvesProject Manager COMPASS
Mag. Gundula Glowka, PhD | Lecturer Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Mag. Gundula Glowka, PhDLecturer
 Lucas Huter, BA MSc MA | Lecturer Bachelor's program Business & Management
Lucas Huter, BA MSc MALecturer
 Falk Jungmeier, BA MA | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelor's program Business & Management
Falk Jungmeier, BA MATeaching & Research Assistant
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evgeniia Filippova-Karlusch | Leave of Absence Bachelor's program Business & Management
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evgeniia Filippova-KarluschLeave of Absence
Prof. Dipl.-Kfm. Bernd Kirschner | Controlling & Finance Master's program International Business & Management
Prof. Dipl.-Kfm. Bernd KirschnerControlling & Finance
Prof. Dr. Markus Kittler | Business Administration | Work & Organization Bachelor's program Management & Law
Prof. Dr. Markus KittlerBusiness Administration | Work & Organization
Prof. Dr. Kristina Harthaller | Business Administration | Omnichannel Marketing & Sales Bachelor's program Business & Management
Prof. Dr. Kristina HarthallerBusiness Administration | Omnichannel Marketing & Sales
Prof. Dr. Maria Pammer | Head of Department & Studies Bachelors's program Business Administration / online
Prof. Dr. Maria PammerHead of Department & Studies
 Juliana Pattermann, BA MA MSc | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelors's program Business Administration / online
Juliana Pattermann, BA MA MScTeaching & Research Assistant
Dr. Lisa Perkhofer, MA | Senior Lecturer Bachelor's program Business & Management
Dr. Lisa Perkhofer, MASenior Lecturer
 Janine Prokesch, BSc MA | Senior Project Manager Student & Career Center
Janine Prokesch, BSc MASenior Project Manager
Prof. Priv.-Doz. Michael Razen, PhD | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Business & Management
Prof. Priv.-Doz. Michael Razen, PhDHead of Department & Studies
Prof. Dr. Stephan Schlögl | Human-Centered Computing Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Stephan SchlöglHuman-Centered Computing
Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Johannes Siebert | Decision Sciences & Behavioral Economics Bachelor's program Business & Management
Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Johannes SiebertDecision Sciences & Behavioral Economics
Prof. Dr. Teresa Spieß | Organizational Psychology & Change Management Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Teresa SpießOrganizational Psychology & Change Management
Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Thomas Stöckl | Deputy Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Business & Management
Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Thomas StöcklDeputy Head of Department & Studies
 Benjamin Suitner, BA MA | Corporate Investment Management, Startups & Entrepreneurship R & D
Benjamin Suitner, BA MACorporate Investment Management, Startups & Entrepreneurship
 Julia Vögele, BA MA | Doctoral Student Bachelors's program Business Administration / online
Julia Vögele, BA MADoctoral Student
Asst. Prof. Mag. Desiree Wieser, PhD | Lecturer Bachelor's program Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management
Asst. Prof. Mag. Desiree Wieser, PhDLecturer
Prof. Priv.-Doz. MMag. Dr. Anita Zehrer | Head of Family Business Center Center for Family Enterprise
Prof. Priv.-Doz. MMag. Dr. Anita ZehrerHead of Family Business Center

Digital Innovation Hub West (DIH West)

2019 - 2022

FH-Prof. Dr. Oliver Som

Benjamin Massow, BSc MSc

Juliana Pattermann, BA MA MSc

The DIH West aims to support SMEs in Western Austria in the process of digital transformation. Further, it aims to strengthen these companies' innovation potential by providing them with institutionalized access to the know-how of research institutions through various activities. In accordance with the needs of SMEs in Salzburg, Tyrol and Vorarlberg, the DIH West focuses on the following application areas: Industry 4.0 for manufacturing companies, and e-services for companies in the tourism, trade, and commerce industry. The activities of the DIH West concentrate on information, individual counselling, further education, thematic networking of SMEs and research institutions through working groups, and the transfer of research results into standardized services such as guidelines, modular systems, etc. These services will be accompanied by individual coaching and support measures as well as access to the relevant infrastructure of the research institutions. The DIH West consists of region-specific agencies, interest groups, and research institutions from Salzburg, Tyrol, and Vorarlberg, which contribute their respective expertise in order to support SMEs.


Verstehen der Antezedenzen und Konsequenzen proaktiven Entscheidens

2019 - 2024

Decision making, both with respect to individuals and organizations, has been raising the attention of academics from various disciplines for a long time. This fact is anything but surprising since it can be argued that decisions are the only way for individuals to purposefully influence things, which are important to them. Everything else just happens. However, many individuals and organizations can be considered as reactive in their decision processes leading to suboptimal decisions, i.e. they are bad decision makers. The scale of proactive decision making (PDM), which was has recently introduced to behavioral OR and decision analysis, can be used to describe and measure individual decision making behavior. It consists of six dimensions, which can be assigned to the two categories "proactive personality traits" and "proactive cognitive skills". Previous research has suggested a positive relationship between PDM and decision satisfaction. Other consequences and antecedents have not been analyzed yet. In this study, we investigate if and how an individual's personality and certain general motivational factors determine individual differences with regard to the behavior during the phase of generating alternatives in decision processes. The question to be addressed is under which personality related and individual motivational conditions an individual is likely to be or become a good decision maker. In the same vein, the trainability of good decision making is examined by analyzing the sustainability of the impact of decision making training on the actual decision making behavior of the participants with regard to the phase of generating alternatives during decision processes. Combining the results is intended to help fostering our understanding of good decision making. Practitioners shall be enabled to understand if and how it could be possible to improve an individual's decision making behavior. In particular, recruiters might find our findings useful as they increasingly ask for proactive applicants, i.e. proactive decision makers, yet are lacking further theoretical sound and empirically backed insights what this actually means. Academics and researchers shall be offered insights into the usefulness of courses on decision quality, such that the impact of teaching the principles of good decision making on the actual decision making behavior of individuals is empirically substantiated. This could provide support for any argument to include such courses of decision quality in university or school curricula.

Mobilizing Egyptian Innovation System for SME Innovation Capabilities

2020 - 2023

In Egypt, increased efforts have recently been made to implement targeted innovation support for SMEs. However, the institutional arrangements and innovation policies are often top-down structured or attempt to transfer concepts from outside the EU, in many cases without considering the specific characteristics of the Egyptian innovation context. In particular, there is a lack of empirical work that analyses the innovation activities of SMEs and prepares results for policymakers in a way that makes policies appropriate for the targeted groups of SMEs. Therefore, the research project aims at (1) conducting a detailed analysis of the innovation behavior of Egyptian SMEs and developing an SME typology, (2) describing the problems and needs of the identified innovation types, and (3) examining existing support measures accessible to SMEs in a policy analysis concerning their adaptability. The main objective is to map and describe the Egyptian SME innovation behavior and establish a toolbox of innovation-oriented SME policies that target Egyptian SMEs' unique needs. Based on a representative stratified sample covering 4,000 Egyptian firms and all sectors, we develop a resource-based taxonomy of firm-level innovation behavior to create and design functional innovation policies. Overall, the analysis will be based on a broad understanding of innovation which includes technological and non-technological modes. It is assumed that different innovation patterns, which range from the traditional "science technology-innovation" to other modes of "doing-using-interacting" or even mixed-modes, can be identified. This taxonomy of firm-level innovation behavior will improve the Egyptian capacity of evaluating and monitoring SME's innovation performance and is also an essential prerequisite for the design of evidence-based innovation policies. The results allow for an evidence-based discussion of recommendations and the derivation of concrete innovation policy measures. In addition, the results will serve as a basis for the scientific debate on innovation policy approaches in the MENA region.

Konzeption, Durchführung und Evaluation von Entscheidungstrainings für Schülerinnen und Schüler

2019 - 2025

FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Johannes Siebert

Every day we make hundreds of decisions. Most of them are quick gut decisions, like "What am I eating tonight?" or "What book will I read next?" But there are also more complex decisions that take more than just a good gut feeling. An example is educational decisions like "What do I do after school?" These require special attention because they have a lasting impact on the future life of teenagers and young adults. However, the German and Austrian education systems do not adequately prepare young people for these important decisions. In most cases, different options are presented at best. Frequently, young people then choose one of the obvious alternatives or those proposed by others, without giving much thought to what they personally want and what their goals are. Before choosing a course of study, everyone should ask themselves the central question of whether training or studies are better suited to the goals and wishes of a young person. However, this is often completely left out. As a result of this and due to poor preliminary considerations in career decisions, more than a quarter of Bachelor's students drop out of their studies and also a quarter of training contracts have been terminated prematurely. In addition to economic consequences such as increased training costs or a shortage of skilled workers, there are also in some cases considerable individual consequences because the termination of a training course is often seen as a serious failure. The project aims to improve the quality of educational decisions made by young people. In the long term, this is intended to reduce the high drop-out rates from studies and training. To achieve this, it is necessary to identify the relevant competences when making decisions and to develop teaching concepts that enable these competences to be conveyed in the best possible way, taking into account the didactic requirements, goals and preferences of the target group. Proactive decision making is the focus of the teaching.


  • Siebert, Johannes U.; Kunz, Reinhard, Rolf, Philipp. “The impact of decision training on individuals’ decision-making proactivity” in press European Journal of Operational Research, 294 (1) 2021, 264-282
  • Volderauer, T., Bierwisch, A., Som, O., Stummer, H. und Raich, M. (2024). Brave new Work? Die Beziehung zwischen Wissensmanagement und Mitarbeiterwohlbefinden im dynamischen Arbeitskontext: Eine qualitative Analyse, Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung (published online)
  • Kohlberger, Martina; Brandl, Julia (2022): Moving beyond Mode-2: Knowledge-production in scholar-HRM practitioner collaborations. In SSRN Journal. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4142998.
  • Kohlberger, Martina (2022): Making Change Happen: How HRM Professionals Deal with Tensions in Times of Organizational Change. In AOM Proceedings 2022 (1), Article 11268. DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2022.11268abstract.
  • Siebert, J. U., Kunz, & R., Rolf, P. (2020). Effects of Proactive Decision Making on Life Satisfaction. European Journal of Operational Research, 280(1), 1171-1187, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2019.08.011
  • Merl, R., Stöckl, T., & Palan, S. (2022). Insider trading regulation and shorting constraints. Evaluating the joint effects of two market interventions, Journal of Banking and Finance, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbankfin.2022.106490
  • Volderauer, T., Bierwisch, A., Som, O., Stummer, H. und Raich, M. (2024). Brave new Work? Die Beziehung zwischen Wissensmanagement und Mitarbeiterwohlbefinden im dynamischen Arbeitskontext: Eine qualitative Analyse, Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung (published online)
  • Volderauer, T., Raich, M., Bierwisch, A., Stummer, H., & Som, O. (2025). Strategic Responses to Employee Well-Being Issues in VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) Conditions: Expanding the JD-R (Job Demands–Resources) Model with Job Crafting. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 22(1), 14. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph22010014
  • Siebert, Jana, Siebert, Johannes U. “Enhancing misinformation correction: New variants and a combination of awareness training and counter-speech to mitigate belief perseverance bias. PLoS ONE 19(2): e0299139, 2024, 1-15, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0299139
  • Bierwisch, A., Cramer, A., Tollinger, V., Som, O. (2021). Love at first sight? Assessing the success of matchmaking events. Paper was presented at the ISPIM Innovation Conference, Berlin, Germany on 20–23 June 2021. Event Proceedings: LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications: ISBN 978-952-335-467-8.
  • Freisinger, E. & Schneider, S. (2021). Only a Coward hides behind AI? Preferences in Surrogate, Moral Decision-Making, Proceedings of the Forty-Second International Conference on Information Systems, Austin 2021. https://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2021/ai_business/ai_business/2/
  • Som, O., Huter, L., Pattermann, J., Bierwisch, A., Kirschner, B., Haas, A. (2019). AlpBioEco Missing Linkages. WP-T 2, Deliverable 2.4, Interreg Alpine Space. https://www.alpine-space.eu/projects/alpbioeco/projects-results/wp2/04_alpbioeco_wp2_d.2-4-v3.pdf
  • Güler, M.S., & Schneider, S. (2021) The Resource-Based View in Business Ecosystems A Perspective on the Determinants of a Valuable Resource and Capability, Journal of Business Research, 133, 158-169, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.04.061.
  • Som, O., Zanker, C., Bierwisch, A. (2023). Liebe auf den ersten Blick? Potenziale und Herausforderungen von Matchmaking-Events zwischen etablierten Industrieunternehmen und Hightech-Start-ups. In: Botthoff, A., Edler, J., Hahn, K., Hirsch-Kreinsen, H., Weber, M. und Wessels, J. (Hrsg.). Transformative und agile Innovationssysteme. Neue Praktiken und innovationspolitische Herausforderungen, Frankfurt/New York, Campus-Verlag, 33-66.
  • Kleinlercher, K., Linzmajer, M., Verhoef, P.C., & Rudolph, T. (2020). Antecedents of Webrooming in Omnichannel Retailing. Frontiers in Psychology, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.606798
  • Som, O., Zanker, C. & Bierwisch, A. (2023). Liebe auf den ersten Blick? Potenziale und Herausforderungen von Matchmaking-Events zwischen etablierten Industrieunternehmen und Hightech-Start-ups. In: Botthof, A., Edler, J., Hahn, K., Hirsch-Kreinsen, H., Weber, M. & J. Wessels, eds.: Transformative und agile Innovationssysteme. Neue Praktiken und innovationspolitische Herausforderungen. Frankfurt/ New York: Campus Verlag, 33-65. ISBN 9783593455624


  • Bierwisch, A. (2024, August 10). Re-imagining Entrepreneurship to Shape Desirable Futures [Panel discussion]. Academy of Management Conference 2024. Chicago, USA.
  • Siebert, Johannes Ulrich. “Making the right career choice: A new educational tool to train decision-making proactivity in high school students”, in cooperation with Maxi Becker and Nadine Oeser, Award Session “Best Research Paper 2023 in the Decision Sciences Journal for Innovative Education”, Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Atlanta, US
  • Merl, R., Palan, S., Schmidt, D., Stöckl T. (presenter) (2021). Insider trading regulation and trader migration. SEF Online Meeting 2021 (online), November 2021.
  • Bierwisch, A., Pattermann, J., Vögele, J. and Som, O. (2023). Decoding Future Literacy: Revealing the Characteristics of a Vital Capability for the Future, Paper accepted for oral presentation at WFSF XXV Conference “Exploring Liminalities - Creating Spaces for Unlimited Futures” 50th Anniversary, Paris, 25-27 October, 2023.
  • Bierwisch, A., & Bichler, V. (2022). Corporate Foresight as an Enabler for Business Model Innovation in the Craft Industry. paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference on Global Studies: Business, Economic, Political, Social and Cultural Aspects Program, 19th-22th December 2022
  • Waldegger, J., Bierwisch, A., & Vögele, J. (2023, September 27). Pedagogy Paper: Futures Thinking for Sustainable Innovation [Conference presentation]. RMERC Lisbon https://ibs.iscte-iul.pt/contents/about-us/engagement-impact/10th-responsible-management-education-research-conference/2518/programme-10th-rmer
  • Bierwisch, A., Pattermann, J., Som, O., & Vögele, J. (2023, June 14-16). Tracing the DNA of the Futures Literacy Concept: Bibliometric Insight on its Evolution, Potentials, and Future Research Avenues [Conference presentation]. EMPOWERING FUTURES – Long-term Governance, Democracy and Futures Research - Futures Conference 2023.
  • Som, O., Bierwisch, A., Auer, T. (2023). A Futures Study On Carpentry in Tyrol, Presentation at the ISPIM CONNECTS SALZBURG Conference, Salzburg, 12.12.2023.
  • Som, O., Bierwisch, A. & T. Auer (2023, December 12). A Futures Study on Carpentry in Tyrol. [Conference presentation]. ISPIM Connects Salzburg. The Sound of Innovation.
  • Bierwisch, A., Pattermann, J., Som, O., & Vögele, J. (2023, June 14-16). Tracing the DNA of the Futures Literacy Concept: Bibliometric Insight on its Evolution, Potentials, and Future Research Avenues [Conference presentation]. EMPOWERING FUTURES – Long-term Governance, Democracy and Futures Research - Futures Conference 2023.


Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Marketing

Best Paper Award – Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
Best Paper Award – Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
MCI-Prof. Johannes Siebert wins prestigious Best Paper Award
Reducing the impact of misinformation and fake news
Reducing the impact of misinformation and fake news
New methods to effectively reduce the negative impact of misinformation and fake news on people’s opinions
Impressive international research performance at the Entrepreneurial School®
Show more