Fluids & Mechanics

Fluids & Mechanics

Technology & Life Sciences

The expertise developed in recent years in the fields of multiphase systems, structure dynamics and engine technology, have been pooled together in the research area “Fluids & Mechanics”. The unique strengths of MCI are the interdisciplinary approaches and varied comprehensive methods such as the experimental verification of simulations or the application of control engineering concepts in mechanical systems. Nonetheless, it is of prevailing importance to find the most appropriate solution for the respective challenge with regard to the general requirements.

Dr. techn. Thomas Senfter | Senior Researcher Bachelor's program Industrial Engineering & Management
Dr. techn. Thomas SenfterSenior Researcher

If you have any questions regarding this research area, please contact us: fluidsmechanics@mci.edu

Particle & Separation technology

In the field of particle and separation technology, knowledge from fluid analysis is used, for example, to optimize particle separators or to design them for special requirements. This research area focuses on the separation of particles by means of centrifugal separators, especially with counter-flow and uniflow cyclones. The latter type of cyclones offers many advantages due to their compact design and is therefore used in various technical applications for gas-particle separation (e.g. intake air pre-cleaning of motor vehicles, FCC plants, exhaust gas cleaning systems, etc.). The investigation by means of state-of-the-art experimental and numerical methods such as laser-based flow measurement technologies, online particle characterization as well as precise manufacturing processes, including rapid prototyping, allow the investigation of a wide variety of applications in detail.

Equipment & Process Optimization of Dispersed Systems

Like many other industrial sectors, the material-converting industry is facing great challenges in the optimization of processes and apparatus. Experimental know-how in methodology and prototype construction enable detailed parameter optimization for the further development of an apparatus design. Research areas comprise particle separation, bulk solids technology or emission reduction of particulate matter for example. In addition to the technical evaluation (also in the context of a meaningful linkage of the unit operations in process engineering in the plant) economic considerations (e.g. cost-benefit analysis, LCA, ...) are also applied here.

Computational Engineering

Simulation technology forms a core area of education in several MCI study programs and has established itself as an independent and interdisciplinary research area. In addition, the modern research process has long since become indispensable for modelling, simulation and visualization with the aid of high-performance computers. From classical data engineering, i.e. the collection, processing and validation of data, to complex mechanical (FEM, MBS), fluid mechanic (CFD, LB), acoustic, electromagnetic and control engineering simulations, and on to digital twins, engineering problems can be investigated and described.

Structure Dynamics

Due to the variety of moving parts and components in mechanical engineering practice, structural dynamics is of particular importance. The related structural vibrations can lead to material fatigue or undesirable acoustic behavior. Both, experimental and numerical investigations in the field of structural dynamics are conducted by the research unit. Alongside vibration measurements in an in-house laboratory, also field measurements are carried out. The results of these measurements are used to validate the numerical models as well as to determine unknown model parameters. These validated numerical models are the basis for subsequent optimization procedures.

Engines & Emissions

Given the fact that internal combustion engines represent the backbone of current mobility solutions and play a significant role in the area of energy supply, the research division Engines & Emissions particularly addresses issues related to alternative fuels, internal combustion and technologies for the reduction of emissions.

Dr. techn. Thomas Senfter | Senior Researcher Bachelor's program Industrial Engineering & Management
Dr. techn. Thomas SenfterSenior Researcher
 Manuel Berger, BSc MSc PhD | Lecturer Bachelor's program Medical-, Health- and Sports Engineering
Manuel Berger, BSc MSc PhDLecturer
Dr. techn. Franz-Josef Falkner | Lecturer Bachelor's program Mechatronics
Dr. techn. Franz-Josef FalknerLecturer
Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhD | Deputy Head of Bachelors Program Medical, Health & Sports Technologies Bachelor's program Medical-, Health- and Sports Engineering
Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhDDeputy Head of Bachelor's Program Medical, Health & Sports Technologies
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Tobias Kofler | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelor's program Industrial Engineering & Management
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Tobias KoflerTeaching & Research Assistant
   | Heaf of Research & Development
Heaf of Research & Development
 Benjamin Massow, BSc MSc | Lecturer Bachelor's program Mechatronics
Benjamin Massow, BSc MScLecturer
 Christian Mayerl, BSc MSc | Laboratory Engineer Bachelor's program Industrial Engineering & Management
Christian Mayerl, BSc MScLaboratory Engineer
Prof. Dr. Michael Meister, MSc | Environmental Engineering Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Prof. Dr. Michael Meister, MScEnvironmental Engineering
Prof. DDipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Lukas Möltner | Process Engineering & Thermodynamics Bachelor's program Industrial Engineering & Management
Prof. DDipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Lukas MöltnerProcess Engineering & Thermodynamics
Dr. techn. Thomas Neuner | Project Assistant Bachelor's program Industrial Engineering & Management
Dr. techn. Thomas NeunerProject Assistant
 Matthias Panny, BSc MSc | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelor's program Mechatronics
Matthias Panny, BSc MScTeaching & Research Assistant
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Pillei, BSc MSc | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Industrial Engineering & Management
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Pillei, BSc MScHead of Department & Studies
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Repetzki | Mechanical Engineering Bachelor's program Mechatronics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian RepetzkiMechanical Engineering
Prof. Dr. Martin Spruck, MSc | Process Engineering Bachelor's program Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering
Prof. Dr. Martin Spruck, MScProcess Engineering
DI Christina Stampfer | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelor's program Industrial Engineering & Management
DI Christina StampferTeaching & Research Assistant


2017 - 2019

Gas engines are a reliable means of producing electricity and heat from combustible gases. Large-scale gas engines have now become leaner (λ> 1), especially as they enable low-emission operation with regard to both nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide emissions. To increase the thermal efficiency of a fast combustion and high compression ratios are sought. The former can be increased for example by a targeted charge movement, i.e. the movement of the fuel-air mixture in the cylinder. This increase in turbulence and the increased pressures associated with the lean mixture, however, require increased ignition voltage and extended spark duration of the spark plug in these engines. In addition, a distraction of the spark is observed. The cause of this spark deflection is currently not completely clear, but could be due for example to external flow or electrochemical effects. Shortened life of these ignition devices is evident from the above-mentioned points of view, and thus research and ultimately adaptation or optimization are urgently needed.

Aufbereitung von Schmierstoffen für Hochleistungsmotoren

2018 - 2021

FH-Prof. PD DDipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Lukas Möltner

Dr.-Ing. Verena Schallhart, MSc

During the production of motorcycle engines, these are filled after completion with engine oil, which is discharged after a subsequent test run again. The reason for this procedure lies in the fact that at first start a considerable amount of metal abrasion and foreign matter from the production of engine oil are flushed out of the engine and this is therefore no longer suitable for further use. For economic as well as ecological aspects, the drained engine oil is collected and regenerated for reuse. In addition to the entry of solids, which can be separated by mechanical separation (filtration) efficiently, the production-related entry of water-containing coolant is another source that can lead to an impairment of the lubricant quality. As part of the research activities, a process engineering optimization of this oil treatment is carried out.

Steifigkeitsermittlung eines Alpinskis

2019 - 2021

Dr. techn. Franz-Josef Falkner

The layer structure of a modern alpine ski is made up of a wide variety of materials with very different deformation behavior. The flexural and torsional stiffness of the ski are particularly important for the handling characteristics. As part of this project, the mechanical properties of all materials are determined experimentally and then appropriate mechanical models for predicting the bending and torsional stiffness are developed. In the medium term, optimizations should be carried out with the help of these models in order to meet customer requirements. This project is carried out in cooperation with HEAD Sport GmbH in Kennelbach.

Aufbereitung Niederkalorik

2018 - 2019

FH-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Pillei, BSc MSc

Dr. techn. Thomas Senfter

Mathias Senn, BSc, MSc

Development of a demonstration plant for the treatment of low-caloric waste as substrate for use in the fermentation process of wastewater treatment plants for Abfallwirtschaft Tirol Mitte GmbH.

Entwicklung und Optimierung Vorfiltrationssystem Planierraupe PR736

2018 - 2019

FH-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Pillei, BSc MSc

Christian Mayerl, BSc MSc

Empirical investigation to develop and optimize the prefiltration system of an existing LIEBHERR bulldozer PR736. Field test to determine an optimized prefiltration system to increase the filter life and readiness of the bulldozer.

Granulare Feuchtigkeitsanalyse 2.0

2018 - 2019

FH-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Pillei, BSc MSc

Scientific monitoring of the development of a test system for reproducible measurement of the granular moisture of grinding wheel mixtures for Tyrolit - Schleifmittelwerke Swarovski K.G.

Entwicklung semikeramische Katalysatorträger

2017 - 2019

FH-Prof. PD DDipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Lukas Möltner

Dr.-Ing. Verena Schallhart, MSc

The aim of the planned research activities is the development of a new semi-ceramic material for an electrically heated catalyst support. Unlike heaters already on the market, the direct introduction of heat into the catalyst offers an advantage in response. The second advantage is the high heat capacity of the ceramic base material, which, as soon as the catalyst is at operating temperature, prevents too rapid cooling.

Optimierung Vorfiltrationsverfahren


FH-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Pillei, BSc MSc

Evaluation and optimisation of the pre-filtration process to increase the service life of a downstream filter element, by developing/testing an alternative separation concept for PRINOTH AG

Digital Road Lab

2019 - 2024

FH-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Pillei, BSc MSc

FH-Prof. Dr. Martin Spruck, MSc

Benjamin Massow, BSc MSc

DI Christina Stampfer

Thomas Hausberger, BSc MSc

Dipl. Ing. Friedrich Wiesinger

Adrian Seitz, BSc MSc

Pascal Krug, BSc

Manuel Berger, BSc MSc PhD

Christian Mayerl, BSc MSc

Leonie Strasser, B.Sc. MSc

Martin Wilhelm, BSc MSc

Construction of a research laboratory for the development of feasibility studies and prototype implementation of innovative product concepts and process technologies for applications in the production, operation and maintenance of road marking and boundary elements for SWARCO GmbH.

Digital Twin

2019 - 2024

Alejandro Secades Rodriguez, BSc MSc

Assoz. FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Manuel Ferdik

Davide Bagnara, MSc

Jasper Volmer, MSc

DI Dr. Andreas Ravazzolo-Mehrle

When a machine is built, a large number of load cases and scenarios need to be examined through numerical analysis beforehand. However, these simulations are usually limited to individual components and are not able to portray their complex interactions. Consequently, unexpected and unwanted phenomena occur, especially if multiple physical domains are involved. A "digital twin", however, serves as a virtual counterpart of the entire machine. It allows a complete depiction of the machine and its simulation with different levels of detail, depending on its resources. In particular, the "digital twin" should be able to display multiphysical interactions, which appear in recent developments, such as multivariable control, autonomous driving and predictive maintenance. This project is supported by the Tyrolean Government.

Untersuchung der Rückreinigungsmechanismen und des Pulsmanagements eines Rundfilterelementes

2017 - 2020

FH-Prof. DI Dr.-Ing. Michael Kraxner
FH-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Pillei, BSc MSc

Matthias Decker, MSc

Thomas Hausberger, BSc MSc

Armin Lechner, BSc MSc MBA

Christian Mayerl, BSc MSc

Tobias Frischmann, BSc, MSc

Dr. techn. Thomas Senfter

In the field of special machines, which operate in the field of agriculture with very high dust concentrations in the ambient air, two-stage filters are used. To increase the service life similar to the industrial application, re-purifying filter systems are expedient. The objective of this project is to investigate the mechanisms for re-purification in a mobile application with the aim of the best possible service life and clean air quality.


  • Senfter, T.; Berger, M.; Schweiberer, M.; Knitel, S.; Pillei, M. An Experimentally Validated CFD Code to Design Coanda Effect Screen Structures. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 5762. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13095762
  • Berger, M., Pillei, M., Mehrle, A., Recheis, W., Freysinger, W., Kraxner, M., and Kral, F. Automatisierte präoperative Evaluation operationsrelevanter Bereiche zur Optimierung der Nasenströmung. 62. österr. HNO-Kongress, Bregenz, 2018.
  • Senfter, T., Pittracher, M., Knitel, S., Berger, M., Mayerl, C., Kofler, T., Holzer, S. and Pillei, M., Influence of selected design parameters on the operation of Coanda effect screens for hydropower plants, Minisymposium Verfahrenstechnik, BOKU Vienna, AUT, 2023.
  • De Jaegher, A., Senfter, T., Pillei, M., PV-Abfälle als Chance für die Kreislaufwirtschaft, ÖWAV - Österreichische Abfallwirtschaftstagung, Alpbach AT, 2023
  • Senfter, T., Leitner, S., Zitterbart, M., Kofler, T., Mayerl, C., Berger, M., Pillei, M., Mikroplastik im Abwasser von Waschmaschinen – großes Problem für Kläranlagen, kleines Problem für die Abfallwirtschaft, ÖWAV - Österreichische Abfallwirtschaftstagung, Alpbach AT, 2023.
  • Senfter, T., Fritsch, L., Berger, M., Kofler, T., Mayerl, C., Pillei, M., Kraxner, M., Sludge thickening in a wastewater treatment plant using a modified hydrocyclone, Carbon Resources Conversion, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crcon.2021.03.001, 2021.
  • Senfter, T.; Ennemoser, J.; Berger, M.; Mayerl, C.; Kofler, T.; Pillei, M. An Empirical Investigation on the Influence of the Number of Particle Outlets and Volume Flow Rates on Separation Efficiency and Pressure Drop in a Uniflow Hydrocyclone. Separations 2023, 10, 169. https://doi.org/10.3390/separations10030169
  • Berger, M., Wilhelm, M., Senfter, T., Mayerl, C., Kofler, T., Holzer, S., Pillei, M., Roboter-LDA Flächenmessungen mit einer 30° geneigten flachen Platte in einem offenen Windkanal mit und ohne Plasmaquelle, GALA - German Association for Laser Anemometry, München GER, 2023.
  • Senfter, T., Walter, A., Dür, L., Alber, F., Pillei, M., Do we speak the same language for reference particles in microplastic research?, Microplastics, 1, 221-228, https://doi.org/10.3390/microplastics1010015, 2022.
  • Neuner, Thomas; Meister, Michael; Pillei, Martin; Koch, Marc; Rauch, Wolfgang (2022): Numerical and experimental flow investigation using ultrasonic PIV for optimizing mechanically agitated lab-scale anaerobic digesters. DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2022.118129 In: Chemical Engineering Science 264.


  • Berger, M.; Senfter, T.; Pillei, M., First approach to simulate a blood flow vessel with an aneurysm to evaluate dangerousness with computational fluid dynamics. Austrian 3Rdays, Innsbruck, AUT, 2023.
  • Senfter, T., Berger, M., Kofler, T., Mayerl, C., Pillei, M., Mechanical treatment of various types of waste for electrical energy generation in biogas plants by the use of hydrocyclones, World Utilities Congress, Abu Dhabi UAE, 2023.
  • Senfter, T., Berger, M., Kofler, T., Mayerl, C., Holzer, S., Zitterbart, M., Pillei, M., Mechanical biowaste pre-treatment: The critical step in biomass to energy concepts, International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Barcelona ESP/online, 2023.

  • Patent Nr. WO002013092315

  • Patent Nr. DE102015003754

  • Patent Nr. DE112012005362

  • Patent Nr. US020140298761

  • Patent Nr. DE102015008525


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